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"I'm still saying no to that makeover." I said laughing Natalie looked at ms and frowned" Oh C'mon! You and Francis Are meant to be forever. I ship it." Said Natalie

"By any chance have you seen him?" I said Natalie looked at me she gasped. She jumped up and down. " Omg! It's true you are looking for him and no I haven't seen him. But all I know is he's looking for you." Said Natalie

"How do you know?" I said smirking she looked at me shocked and showed me her phone.

Natalie: Hey Francis? I just saw Susie walked passed me

Francis: Seriously? I have been meaning to talk to her. Let me know if you see her.

Natalie: Ya ok, I can see what'll I do.

"So there's my proof. Happy?" Said Natalie. I looked at her and laughed. "let's go to class now." I said

After class was over. We both went to lunch. Natalie lined up and I was right behind. A familiar voice I heard was right behind me.

"So she ended up calling me and I just said no thanks a lot." Said Rick I turned around and gasped. " Rick?" I said

Rick turned around and was shocked. He blushed a little. He looked so nervous that I heard all of those things.

"So? I heard you declined Natalie's request. But I know you don't like her but you love her. Every moment you want to spend time with her. Your always nervous." I said

I turned around. Natalie grabbed food and put it on her tray. I grabbed food from my tray . After paying for our lunch, Natalie and I both was standing in the middle of the cafeteria. Rick walked by us and sat with Marina and Chris.

"So where shall we sit." I said Natalie looked at me and sighed. " we can sit over there by Chris, Rick, and Marina." Said Natalie

We both looked at each other and nodded. We walked over to their table. They looked at me and Natalie.

"Hey Susie and Natalie! What's up?" Said Marina. We sat down beside them and ate our lunch. Rick was eating his lunch and looked up at the both of us "I'm good and so is Natalia." I said

"Uh hey Rick, haha! I should just shut up now." Said Natalie she went back to eating. She kept glancing at Rick. Rick kept eating and pushed his tray over. He looked up. "You don't have to shut up, Natalia." Said Rick

"Ok let's just move on? Has anyone seen Francis. " said Chris I went back to eating. Rick and Marina both looked at Chris and continued to eat. " He should be here by now. So anyway, i want Susie to get a makeover to impress Francis. But she seriously needs a new look. C'mon people are talking about her." Said Natalia

"Ya, they make the cutest couple. C'mon Susie, just get a makeover so you can get Francis to be yours." Said Marina Rick and Chris looked at each other and started to laugh hard. "Oh look who's over there. It's Romeo." Said Chris pointing at Francis.

Francis was looking around. We all turned around and spotted him. He looked at us and made his way.

"hey guys, is this seat taken?" Said Francis. They nodded no. He sat down beside Natalie and I. I said nothing and stayed quite. (Francis was wearing a. Scarf, sunglasses, sneakers and a hoodie)

My phone started to buzz. I grabbed it out of my pocket and scrolled down the messages. The messages where from Marina and Natalie

Natalie: your his true love
Marina: talk talk talk to him
Natalie: what are you waiting for
Marina: go on and say something

I put my phone away. Francis was still eating. Rick and Chris both said nothing. Natalie and Marina just sitting there looking around.

"Uh Susie? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Said Francis i looked at him and was shocked. "Yeah sure." I said

Marina screamed and jumped
Out of her chair and fell to the floor. Natalie just gasped and screamed.

Francis got up from his seat and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of the cafeteria. I looked around. Where are we going?

"Anyway, so Susie I have been meaning to ask you something." Said Francis we where both standing and looking at each other. "What is it?" I said

"I been wanting to ask you about what is up with Rick and Natalia. they been acting strange towards each other." Said Francis." I have no idea." I said laughing

"When will they finally be together? like I ship them." Said Francis. I sighed." I do to." I said

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