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A walked down the hallway. Not knowing anything. Cause well something was wrong. Everyone was looking at me. Like some sort of alien.

"That's Susie! She could've one but she was disqualified and Reese and her posse won." Said a voice from the crowd I just ignored it and went to my lockers. I hoped no one saw me. I opened my locker . I started to put my things away "hey Susie!" Said Natalie

I bumped my head and rubbed it. Natalie looked at me with a worried look. " I'm so sorry." Said Natalie

"It's ok." I said

"It's not. People are starting to make fun of you because-" before she could've said anything she was cut off by the bell " Darn you bell!"

I started to walk away from Natalie. But she ran off and tried to catch up to me. I turned to her.

"Lemme guess? Your saying I should get a make over or something." I said. She nodded I grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to a corner. " Are you kidding me? Are you trying to get me to impress someone?"

"Uh yea! You and Francis are meant to be." Said Natalie I looked at her." Are you serious right now? That's never going to happen. Try me! But you'll never let me have a makeover." I said

"Ok? I'm gonna make a bet with you. If I win I get to give you a make over. If you win you won't get that make over." She said smirking I looked at her and I was shocked. " Uh fine." I said

"Kay! The bet is simple. I will ask out Rick myself. If he declines and says no than you win. If he says yes than i give you that makeover." Said Natalie

"Ok! It's a sort of a deal . My bet will be on you getting him to say yes ." I said smiling she frowned and laughed. " Can I borrow your phone?" She said

"Sure! Put him on speaker." I grabbed my phone and tossed it to her. She began to dial Rick.

"Uh hello? What do you want?" Said Rick on the phone Natalie was sweating to death. " Hey Rick." Said Natalie

"Hey Natalie? Why are you on Susie's phone." Said Rick

"I have something to ask you." She said
Rick just stays silent for a moment and breathes in and out. "yes what is it?" Said Rick

"Do you want to go-ear lucky werth me?" Said Natalie Rick was silent for a moment. Natalie messed up. She was sweating to death. "huh?" Said Rick

" Lemme say this do you want to go Inline with me?" Said Natalie

" ok I can't even understand you. Speak regularly." Said Rick Natalie sighed and breathed in and out. I laughed at her and she was mad. " DO U WANT TO EAT LUNCH WITH ME,RICK?" She screamed

Rick was silent for a moment. In his mind he was nervous. Will he say yes or no? Natalie wanted to know now.

"No, sorry I can't I'm busy working on my project with Lauren." Said Rick. " I'll see you later ok?" He ended the call. Natalie sighed and sat on the ground. " Ya I tried! But I won the bet. He didn't say yes you betted yes! haha I win! And yeah I was so hoping he would say yes but he's working on his project with Lauren." Said Natalie

"wait what!" I said

"He's actually been hanging with some girl named Lauren rather than the band. Lauren is a new girl." Said Natalie

"and?!!?" I said

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