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" Can't anyone show me around?" I said picking up my books. I started to walk to the hallway. But I bumped into a lot of people." What do you think your doing?" snapped Reese
Wait a minute! Wait minute! I never even reintroduced myself Hello, My name is susie. I'm a short girl. I have brown hair and I wear glasses I just came to club penguin high. Yeah! The girl you just saw was Reese. A.K.a the prep. Now lets go back to the story.
" Im really am truly sorry, reese." I said picking up my books. " I don't know what I was thinking."
" You better watch it, Clumsy Susie. Next time you will be sleeping with the fishies."said reese
" I-I really am sorry." Before I could say anything. Reece Walked out of here. I just went to my classroom and stood in front of the class and sat down.
" Now class, there is one announcement. With further notice. There will be a scholarship to our school. It's a talent show for the scholarship. You can all join with a group, duet, and etc." said our teacher.
I thought for a moment. None of my classmates said nothing. Our teacher explained everything we needed for the contest. I still was thinking of what to do for the talent show.
" Rick! Can you please answer this question?" Said my teacher frowning. The class turned to look at Rick. He was looking at everyone. "Um ok " Said rick
Rick is one of the members of Nerdz Rule. He's is the lead guitarist. he has yellow hair , sunglasses, and a black hoodie. You'll know why he's in the band when the time comes. I guess we all have one chances.
"The answer is 3." said Rick . Our teacher did the math and was impressed." That is correct." said our teacher
After class, I walked down the hallways by myself. I looked around just to find my locker. But all of a suddent I bumped into Natalie
Natalie is another member of Nerdz rule. She is the best bass player ever. She has blonde hair, a scarf, and sunglasses. You will know why shes a nerd? Common I know right?
" I'm so sorry, Natalie." I said helping her up. She stood up and helped me pick up my books." Its ok, susie. Just please be careful." said Natalie
Way to make friends? You met three of the band. According to my calculations you will be meeting three more but here comes two more.
"So did you hear?" said Marina walking with Francis. Francis starts to nod his head and bumps into me. " Great! Not again." I said
" I'm sorry, Susie." said Francis picking up my books. Marina grinned and laughed a little and helped me pick them up to. " Next time, francis. Watch where you were going." said marina
Francis and Marina are the other members of our group. Marina plays the keyboard. Francis plays the drums. Francis has brown hair, glasses, and that's all. Marina has black hair and sunglasses. What makes them a nerd? Your going to to have to find out
They had left. Clearly I walked to my locker. But than something was moving in a nearby locker
" Can someone help me out?" said a voice. I opened the locker and saw chris. Stuck inside. " Thank you susie." said Chris
Chris was the final member of the group. He has orange hair and sunglasses. He plays electric guitar , violin and keytar. You name it you buy it.
" I owe you one, susie." said Chris
All rights reserved@lara1216

clubpenguin Nerdz RuleWhere stories live. Discover now