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I was confused and started to walk again. I bumped into reese. She turned and saw me.

"Again? Haven't I told you to like scram?"said Reese laughed. Reese pushed me to the lockers. I was scared. " What are you going to do about it?"

"I-I" I said. She laughed and threw my books to the ground. I closed my eyes and wished this never happened.

"Have you heard about the contest? Me and my band are like going to win that prize." said Reese "Well! I have a band and they will uh preform yeah." I said nodded

"And what is your band called?" sais Reese smiling. I thought about it and nodded my head. " Its called Nerdz Rule." I said

"Never heard of it but good luck winning the reward.Your going to need it." said Reese. She left and smirked. I frowned

The next day, it was lunch time. I quick ran to the table And sat down. Marina, Rick, Chris and Natalie looked at me confused

" Hey Susie! Whats wrong?" said Marina.

"Well, I told Reese that I had a band named Nerdz Rule! I had enough of hwr bullying me and all but someone had to the right thing but I know all of you play instruments." I said. They looked at each other and was shocked. I looked at them and said nothing. "Wait.. We all play instruments?" said Rick

"Yeah, I do play an instrument." said Natalie

"I knew we should've of kicked her out of this school." said Francis.

" Hey now! That's very rude, francis." said Chris

"Wait what do you guys play?" said Marina looking at them. They all looked st each other and looked at me

" I play violin, keytar, and electirc guitar." said Chris

" I uh uhm play the bass." said Natalie. She looked pale as white as snow. Was she blushing? " I play guitar and electric guitar." said Rick

" I play the keyboard! its fun." said marina

" I play the drum." said Francis.  Everyone looked and stared at me. I gulped and sighed.

" I play the Trumpet, tuba, guitar, and the cow bell." I said sighing . Everyone just stared and said nothing. Francis laughed.

" A cow bell? Thats ridicoulous" said Francis. I looked at him and got angry. " You listen here! I'm done with all of this. You can just be mean to me all you want but it won't work. I'm tired of being the nice girl.You listen and stay! You see me laughing at you well news flash! Try acting more nice and less mean okay?" I screamed

"Guys you should calm down." said rick

"Fine! but do ant of you guys agree in becoming a band?" I said smiling

" That's a yes for me." said marina smiling.

" Yeah sure." said  rick

"Ok." said chris

"Mhmm oh alright! " said natalie

We all looked and stared at Francis. He looked at us witha confused look ans sighed. "Fine!" he said

"Thanks!" I said

clubpenguin Nerdz RuleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz