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"No you don't have to owe me anything." I said grinning. He looked at me confused" I really do owe you one." said Chris

" That's alright. Just please don't get your hopes right." I said

" Nope, I insist . I should take you to my friends." said Chris

" No no." before I could say anything Chris took my hand and pushed me to the lunch room. He took me to his table. He gestured me to sit.

" Guys! you wouldnt beleive this." Said chris. Natalie, Rick, Francis, and Marina where confused. I quickly tried to get away from them.

" Where do you think your going?" said Chris. He grabbed my shoulders and forced me to sit down. " Susie! Just helped me out of that tight locker." said Chris

" Do we seem like we care?" francis said

"Well? do you even know how tight it is?" said chris

"Duh! ive been in those tight lockers for all I care." said Francis" And what is she doing in our table? Isn't she like a nerd?"

" Aren't we nerds?" said Rick looking at francis. I looked at them. Chris gulped and sat down

"That's really true." said Natalie. Marina quickly grabbed her seat and Smiled. " So tell me about yourself and also don't mind the others. " said Marina

" That's okay marina. Your just scaring poor susie." said francis " I don't think she deserves to be in this table."

"How rude you are!" said Marina. She got up from her seat and tackled Francis. He fell to the ground.

" Your taking this to far." said Natalie. She tried pushing the two but it went worse.She was now in the fight. " Would you all guys please stop?" said Rick

"This is getting good." said Chris. I was confused. I had to do something. So quickly I screamed to the top Of my Lungs. " Everyone Just Shut up." I screamed

Marina and Francis stopped And looked at me. I was getting tired of this. "Francis, is right. Is shouldn't be here. Thank you all for having me." I said getting up

Maybe I did want some friends. I'm never excepted in anything. I Really hate this school. I really do. Ugh! I just want to be excepted for once.

" Don't mind, Francis. He can be a jerk sometimes. " said Marina

" Stay with us! I really want to be great friends." said Natalie

"Quite nice." said rick

" I want you to stay at our table. Maybe we can all be the best of friends." said chris.

"Ugh fine, whatever." said Francis

clubpenguin Nerdz RuleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora