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I walked up the stairs of the school building. It was packed. Something seemed fishy. Just than Reese came by and laughed at me.

"Well, if it isn't Clumsy Susie." Said Reese I got frustrated and looked at her "Your just jealous that our band is famous." I said

" Well except for one of your members." Said Reese laughing at me I gasped. Just than Rick came by and was wearing the uniform for Reese's group. " Your in their group? You betrayed us, Rick. I thought we were friends. But I see how it is popularity." I said
He looked at me. Natalie appeared and was surprised. "How could you betray us !" She said

" let me explain." Said Rick Natalie got angry and slapped his face. " C'mon, Susie. He is just a waste of our time." Said Natalie

She grabbed my hand. Rick had a big mark on his face and looked at Natalie as she walked away while I was being pulled by.

When we got there. The auditorium was packed with students. Natalie and I spotted marina and Chris. They where waving their hands in the air. We walked towards them.

"Hey You guys, has anyone seen Francis?" Said Chris we all looked at each other and nodded no. We all walked together to the tables where they where signing up. "Hello, would you like to work as a group and sing individual. It will go to your team. " said the person at the table

"Yeah signed up as nerds rule." Said Marina she looked at us and screamed. " OMG! Your nerdz rule! I love your music and your band name." Said the girl

"You heard about us?" Said Natalie she nodded and smiled happy " Of course! Your famous!!! And where's the whole crew!" Said the girl

" Well Rick is over in that group and Francis is somewhere he's coming." I said she gasped and got angry " That is so mean." She said

We all looked and there was Rick wearing a different outfit. The girl gasped. Rick made his way to our group.

"Hey guys? Is it to late for me to join." Said Rick. We all looked at him and got angry "So now you want to join!" Said Natalie

"Well, I'm sorry everyone I just am. You see Reese tried sending threats at me and she was going to do something so horrible to you guys that I had to do it." Said Rick. We all looked at each other and sighed "Is it true?" I said

" Yeah! Why would I lie to my best friends." Said Rick

"fine but your singing." Said Natalie
The girl nodded and handed us our papers. We where waiting for Francis to come. My glasses made it look to blurry.

"Where can Francis be?" We said just than. A bunch of people where crowding someone. We all looked and spotted a familiar face and walked up to us.

"hey guys." Said Francis wait what! He looked sorta different. stop wait a minute. Is it just me or did he get a makeover? From a nerd to that. Aye! I am basically the only one who is just a nerd. That stinks. He is wearing sunglasses. I guess he got contacts lucky him. Wish I had some. Now let's get back " Francis? You look different." Said Rick

"You look like your impressing someone." Said Marina we all looked at her. She looked at us and sighed. " So when did you get you contacts?" I said

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