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I texted Rick. He wouldn't reply. I kept texting him until he replied

Rick: What!

Me: Rick? Can you come over (:?

Rick: uh why?

Me: I want to ask you something

Rick: fine ill be there in 10 mins

He arrived 10 mins later. We sat down on the couch. I laughed a little and sighed. He looked pale and lighter.

" Can you at least tell me? Do you still like Natalie?" I said

"I-I should go..." Said Rick

He got up and waved goodbye. He locked the door. I smirked and laughed a little. This was weird. Woah there...

"Hmm? What's better this or this?" Said Marina

" for the color of your nails? Choose anything I don't care." Said Natalie

"Push over." Said Marina

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