(6) Tiger

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When I woke up the next morning, I had no idea where I was or what happened. I sit up in bed groggily.

This isn't the bunker.

"You slept for a long time. I'm glad though because you will need your energy tomorrow morning."Sebastian is putting on his black combat boots while he talks and I rub the sleep from my eyes. "Your friend is looking for you. You should probably tell her that you aren't dead. Although you slept like you were."

"I was tired. I haven't really slept in four days." I explain and attempt to get out of his bed, but end up falling in the floor. I groan and push myself off the floor.

"Slow down, tiger. You've been asleep for over 12 hours." He stands over me and reaches out his hand to help me up.

My grandmother used to call me that - tiger.

I grab his hand and he helps me up. "Can you walk?" He jokes.

"I'm not a morning person aboveground or underground." I open the door and he laughs behind me. We head to the dining hall and part ways after getting a cup of coffee. I search the crowded area for Ember, but she finds me first. She runs up to me and hugs me.

"Where were you last night?" She questions.

"Before I say it, it isn't what it sounds like." I pause and she nods. "I was with Sebastian. I haven't slept all week and he let me sleep in his room so I would be rested for the fights tomorrow."

"Okay. I'm just glad your safe." She smiles. "So, what do you want to do on our day off?"

"Well, I figured out what tattoo I want." I say and Ember grins. She grabs my hand and starts pulling me to the Pit.

"Let's go!"

That night I dream about my grandmother. I'm playing on the ground for a few minutes and then jumping on the couch next to my grandmother.

"Tiger, come here for a moment." She smiles lovingly at me.

I climb onto her lap and she let's my hair down from the bun so she braid it. "I want you to always remember this: you are powerful, tiger. Never forget that I will be with you no matter what. I love you, tiger. Now, go back to playing."

I hug her tightly and then go back to playing.

Ember and I stand together around the fighting arena. Ember is paired with a girl from Candor that is twice her size and I am paired with a Dauntless-born guy that is a foot taller than me.

When Ember's fight ends, she is bruised and bleeding. She has to crawl away from the mat. One girl already tried to stop the fight before it got out of hand, but that's how the Dauntless fight - it ends when one person is unable to continue. My nerves double and I lock eyes with Sebastian across the room. He discreetly points to his elbows and I nod. I remember him telling me to look for weaknesses with my opponents.

Too soon it's my turn to fight. The Dauntless-born locks eyes with me and he scoffs. "Seriously, I'm paired with the Stiff. There is only one obvious winner." He gets in a position where is ready to spring up and attack at a moment's notice.

I have to stay on my feet if I have any chance at winning. I attempt to make the first move by kicking his stomach, but he is too quick. He grabs my foot and pulls it. I hit the ground hard and scramble to my feet, but he doesn't allow me to. He is on top of me before I realize it. He punches me over and over. My vision goes black around the edges and I try my best to push him off me, but there's no use. He's like a brick wall - unmovable. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me off the floor only to slam me back down. I hear a crack and the last thing I see is Sebastian leave the room.

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