(4) Sebastian

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"My name is Sebastian and I'm going to be your Mentor. I need to tell you a few things before we get started. First, you are training to be one of the ten to officially be a Dauntless member. Second, the tournament is separated into three categories: hand to hand combat, weapons, and mental testing. Lastly, you will get a day off every five days. Sometimes it may be for a team building activity and other times for you to do whatever you want. Any questions?"

"What are we doing first?"

"Guns." He states a picks up one from the table. He gestures for me to get the other one. I pick it up and feels heavy in my hands. My dad would be ashamed. "Watch me and then you try."

He stands with his feet apart and his body straight. His arms are straight out in front of him as he holds the gun. He takes a breath and fires the gun. The bang it makes causes my ears to ring. I mimic his stance and push the trigger. The gun's recoil almost causes me to hit myself in the face and stumble back a few steps. I know I didn't hit the target, but I'm determined to. It takes me four hours to hit the middle circle on the target.

"You did well for the first half of the day," Sebastian says as we walk to the dining hall. I rub my stiff fingers as we walk.

"What are we doing next?" I question.

"Fighting," he glances at me. "More importantly how to win."

He follows me to the table Ember is at. I'm surprised he sits down next to me instead of sitting with other Dauntless members.

"Rory! Is this your Mentor?" Ember smiles with a knowing look in her eyes.

"Ember this is Sebastian," I state uncertain of what she will say.

"He's a cutie," her eyes sparkle. "My Mentor is Lauren."

I can't argue with Ember about Sebastian being attractive. He has fluffy brown hair, dark brown eyes, muscular, but also lean, his face is more rounded out, but not chubby by any means.

Lunch ends soon enough and Sebastian leads me to a huge room for combat training. "This is where you will be for the first part of the tournament. You need to already be familiar with this room so your nerves won't be as bad." I nod. "The purpose of this part of training is to prepare you to act and to respond to a threat. We will just go over technique today and tomorrow we will put those into action."

Sebastian tells me different types of punches and demonstrates them for me one at a time. I replicate each one after he does it. We do the same thing again only with kicks instead. He tells me to practice on the punching bag and I do. After awhile of practicing, I still can't move the punching bag no matter what I do or how much force I use.

Sebastian comes closer to me and I stop practicing. "Try again, but use your knees and your elbows." He places a hand on my stomach and I feel my body tense up. "Always keep tension here." He removes his hand and walks away. I start practicing again after taking a breath to calm me down. He advice works I move the punching bag after a few tries.

When training is over, I find Ember wandering around the corridors. "Ember!" I call out to her and her face lights up.

"Hey! I was looking for you! I want to go shopping for some Dauntless clothes. You want to come?" She questions.

I nod and follow her along the corridors to the Pit. It's crowded, but we manage to get to the clothing store with no harm done. Ember changes into black leather leggings, a black tank top, and black wedge tennis shoes. I change into a black sweater dress that goes down to a few inches above my knees, black fishnet stockings, and black combat boots. We also pick out a few more outfits to wear later on in the week.

"I want to get a tattoo. Do you want one?" Ember says to me.

I shake my head. "Maybe another time. I don't know what I'd get anyway."

She shrugs. "I'll wait so we can go together."

"You can go get one. I don't want to hold you back."

"Okay. I'll show you when I get it finished. Meet in the bunker?"

I nod and part ways with her. I start heading back to the bunker by manoeuvring through the people in the Pit. My eyes lock with Sebastian across the Pit and he is surprised for a moment, but then his lips lift up in a smile. I remove my gaze from him and continue on my way. Going down the corridors by myself gives me an uneasy feeling. I walk faster, but try to make my footsteps as quiet as they can be.

Rory (Divergent fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora