(1) Divergent

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I sit down in the uncomfortable chair and wait for the lady to tell me what to do next. "My name's Tori and I'll be administering your Aptitude test." I nod and rest my left arm on the rest. After a few seconds, I feel as if she is staring at me. I glance up and sure enough she is.


She shakes her head. "You just seem different than the other Abnegation."

I narrow my eyebrows. "How so?"

"Well, for one, what you are wearing." She says as she starts pressing an electrode to my forehead and another to her forehead. She connects the two with a wire.

I glance down at my outfit. "It's plain and grey."

She nods. "But it's a jumpsuit and pretty stylish. How'd you get out of your house like that?"

"Like I said it is plain and grey."

She nods and hands me a small glass filled with some kind of liquid. "Drink this and good luck." I drink it and everything goes black.

I glance around the school cafeteria except there is only one table and it has various items on it. "Choose." Seriously? I hate decisions. I stop thinking and grab the knife. Suddenly, a dog appears and it is growling at me. I can't help but tense. I take deep breaths and calm myself down so it won't smell the fear growing inside me. I drop the knife on the ground and focus my attention to the floor instead of showing a sign of aggression towards the dog. The dog stops growling and calmly comes over to me so I can pet it. A little girl screams "Puppy!" The dog takes off after the girl and I run at it with the knife. Before the knife enters its body, the scene changes around me. I'm on the bus and I notice a man is reading a newspaper. The headline says 'Murder on the Loose' with a picture of the murder blow it. The man turns to me and asks "have you seen this man before?" I know I have, but I hesitate to tell him that I have. Something seems off about him. I shake my head. "No, I haven't."

He narrows his eyes at me and stands up. "Are you sure?"

I stand up straight as my heart beats faster. "Yes," I look into his eyes to pull off the lie.

I open my eyes and swallow the guilt that rises up in me. Tori removes the electrodes from herself and I.

"Excuse me. I'll be back in a minute." She rushes out of the room and my nerves seem to take over. Something isn't right. I stand up and pace around the room. I glance at my reflection every once and awhile. It is very odd to see my reflection in so many different angles. Tori finally comes back in and I sit back down on the chair. "Sorry for worrying you." She pauses. "Congrats! You're results were Dauntless." Her voice sounds off this time and her eyes contain an emotion I can't decipher.

I stand up and quietly say "you aren't telling me something."

She reaches out and pulls me closer by my forearm. "You're test results were inconclusive: Dauntless and Abnegation. Also known as divergent. Don't ever tell anyone about this; being divergent is dangerous. Understand?" I nod.

*later that night*

I push my food around on the plate in front of me. My stomach twists and I sip my water to try to keep what little food I ate down.

"You've barely eaten anything. Tomorrow is an important day, Mallory. You will need your strength."

I wince at my father's words. How can I forget that tomorrow is the Choosing Ceremony? It's the biggest decision I've ever made in my whole life. "May I be excused?"

My father sighs, but nods allowing me to leave. I take my dishes to the sink and head to my room. I collapse on my bed. Shoot. I should have offered to do the dishes. I cover my face with my hands. I've got to figure out which faction I will choose. I hate making decisions. I could just go with what my aptitude test said. Am I really going to leave my dad all alone though? I sigh and pull the covers over me. My head aches as the choice between Dauntless and Abnegation fight inside my head.

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