"We are going-..ahem..back to the hotel." She muttered then awkwardly walked to me.

Keith has a wicked smile on his face,
"Did you just grab her ass AGAIN? IN FRONT OF ME?!" I lightly push Y/n to the side.
"I-.." he was cut off by Y/n knocking our heads together,
"Ow!" We yelled together,
"Will you two knock it off?! Goddamn!" Y/n was clearly angry her eyes were a deep red. I could almost see her wings dying to break free.

"I-..." I tried to talk but decided not to.
I stood up, Keith also pulled himself up.

We shared glances, Y/n grabbed my collar and started practically dragging me to the car,
"I'm so mad at you right now." She growled as we sat in the grass outside the set,
"Y/n..I-..." instead of saying sorry my eyes got lost in her eyes again. She started staring back,
"I'm really fuckin mad at you right now." She muttered
"Let's go on a hike." I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the woods,
"Anti I don't want to-" I kept pulling her,
"Anti!" She tried pulling back,
I was stronger. I wanted her to see how much I loved her, I can't express my love through anger, I wanted to tell her I listen, wedding stuff? Fine.

I dragged her until I mapped out a clearing in my head and pulled her as she fought back, I saw it in the distance, I kept tugging her little arm.

Until we got to a clearing.
"My wedding vows." I turned around she looked around at the clearing,
"This is really pretty," the sunset shined through the canopy of the trees, down onto the beautiful clearly with sports of flowers,
"Y/n M/n L/n. I love you, I love you so much. I'm incredibly scared to write my vows. I have never cried in front of my family or friends. But I know I will. I'm okay with it. I know I have a bad temper, but I wanna fix it, I love you." I brought her into a hug,
"I love you too, Anti." She hugged me back,

"Let's walk back to the hotel," she mumbled into my chest,
"It's five miles.." I muttered
"We can discuss wedding plans!" She smiled and we started walking,
"It will get dark,"
"You can protect us." She pulled me along.

"Okay then.." I felt a smile pull free as she let my arm relax around her shoulder,
We laughed and laughed, the whole way back, almost like two drunken friends stumbling around,

"Oh my god! I love Everyone but like why are some people just so stuPID!" She laughed falling into my chest, I held her close and rested against a tree.

"You're so stupid." I laughed tilting her chin up,
She pushed herself onto me making me hard,
"What? You wanna kiss?" She smirked
"I'm gonna kill you!" I groaned as she ran off, my hard-on making me slower and adrenaline making her faster,
"AH HA! The winner looks like Y/N!" She jumped coming up to a stop sign, I tackled her onto the ground,
"You-" she cut me off pulling me into a deep kiss,
"I love you-.." I mumbled into her mouth,
"I love you too..." she wrapped her arms around my neck,
We stood up and she jumped on my back,
"Am I carrying you the next two or three miles..?" I asked
"Do you want to?" She asked nuzzling into my neck wrapping her little legs around my waist,
"Sure," I started walking,
"Let's play q and a!" She smiled playing my hair,
"Okay, you go first.." I rubbed her thighs,
"How do you fit your dick in your pants it's like huge." She asked,
"Well, remember I can shrink..." I shuddered at the thought.
"You can have a tiny peepee?" She whispered I laughed,
"My turn?"

"Uhm, what's your favorite color?"
"F/c! Favorite...place to eat?"
"Anywhere Italian!" We both laughed,

I feel like myself with you

She jumped down and decided to hold my hand instead,
"Okay, what's your favorite sex position?" I glanced down at her she thought for a moment,
"Missionary..no..." she bit her bottom lip,
"Oh! When you have me against the wall, that just hits different!" She smiled being dramatic at the end of her sentence,
"Oh? Well, maybe I'll hold you there tonight..." I squeezed her hand, she blushed softly,
"I'd like that, anyway! What's YOUR favorite position!" She pointed a finger gun at me,
"I love when you are under me, so probably missionary, because I love watching you struggle to hold yourself together," I smirked
She laughed as the sunset made her skin glow,
"God, if I didn't propose. I would now," I smiled and kissed her cheek,
"Awe!" She smiled and rested her head against me,
"Your turn.." she reminded me
"Do you want to learn to fix yourself to not hurt as much during sex? Pretty much demon sex." I shrugged,
"Is it hard? Having sex is already hard, it feels good." She smiled a shivered ran down her spine, the cold breeze started to hit.

I looked as the sun was almost completely plunged into the sky, the beautiful colors drifting into a darkened sky, as dots started to shine and moonlight shun upon my sweet Y/n.

"It's easy but the first time is hurting, but it's for a life of better sex." I looked down,
"I mean I'd be down to learn," she smiled
"Good," I winked sexually,
She blushed and pushed me playfully,
"What's your favorite...thing you've drawn?" She looked up,
"Oh my god, you love my drawing only because it saves your legs," I tapped her ass she jumped a bit, I watched her wait for my answer.
"You're kidding, you don't actually care" I blushed,
"No I do I think your drawings are cute," she held my waist,
"Fine a couple of days ago I drew this thing," I looked away from her,
"It's of a vase, Darks ashes. I'm just proud of my shading." I nervously shrugged
"That's cute" she rubbed my arm,
"What's your favorite couple beside us.." I looked down,
"Uh...Wilford and Dark are really cute, but it's probably Satan and Adam." Her thumb rubbed my knuckles,
"Oh! Can we get a dog after we get married?!" She jumped
"A dog? Like a living dog?" I cringed at the amount of hair it'd shed
"Yes Anti. A whole ass living dog." She teased,
"Why can't we get a...I don't something that makes less noise?" I groaned
"But it's cute!" She pleaded
"Maybe." I huffed
"That's a yes." She smiled
"Fine!" I gave up I couldn't say no to her,
"You owe me."
"I'll pay you back tonight"

Taken antixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now