Chapter 53

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Third person pov

It was usually pretty hard for Harper to fall asleep. Or it was when she was in the city. Here, she had her own bedroom that she was allowed to retire to. She was out the moment her head hit the pillow, practically. The familiarity this place brought with it was enough to relax her into a steady slumber. The smell, the quietness even with her classmates sleeping across the facility. The thoughts were too dim to make out, and that was all too freeing. Harper'd been worried about the days to become. She still was, she supposed. Tonight, though, she let herself not worry about stress. She just let herself sleep. The exhaustion hiking through the woods had produced certainly helped her drift off.

Normally, Harper woke up a lot throughout the night. Her rest came in increments. Most nights, she got three to four hours on average. On bad days, she didn't get any, and on good ones, she got six collectively. It was all skewed and depended too heavily on the thoughts of those around her. Her parents had tried for years to find something to at least muffle it, but there simply wasn't anything that existed. Harper's quirk was one of a kind. Turning it off with quirk suppressing bracelets was too intense for her. Like going blind in a way. With how used she was to the thoughts of everyone and every animal around her, it sort of made sense. Even Aizawa somehow knew this. Harper didn't want to ask how he did. It was probably Tsukauchi, but Tsukuachi didn't really talk to Aizawa all that much, so it was hard to say. Thinking too much about it would get Harper nowhere. When in doubt, just blame Nezu.

Aizawa wasn't exactly happy to be waking up at ass o'clock in the morning either. Sure, he was still cheerful because optimism was the absolute key to success, and who was he to stand in the way of that? Plus, all his students looked so adorable all sleepy, and in their pajamas! He tried to take a few photos, but he didn't want to get caught. But how else was he supposed to get material for the class scrapbook?! Exactly! As a teacher, he had to do what he had to do. And you know what? There was nothing wrong with that. 

Thus, he had to remain positive. There were so many things to look forward to today! One of them being his student's improving. They needed to be able to take care of themselves! How was he going to protect all of them at once all the time! The best thing he could do was get them all in tip-top shape. If they were going to encounter villains, they may as well learn how to win. Harper included. That girl was a walking danger magnet at this point. It was actually terrifying. Aizawa wasn't sure his soft, fragile heart could take anymore from her! 

Harper's room was cool, the AC whirring at top speed to keep up with the heat outside. The sun was just beginning to rise over the trees, making the air grow hotter and muggier as the morning dew evaporated. His eyes immediately went to the bed shoved in the corner. Or more specifically, to the lump in the covers sitting atop it. His heart practically stopped! His mind went blank! Hell, he'd even stopped breathing for a second. This was a turning point in history itself. At least, it was in Aizawa's books. Harper Rye was asleep. She was sleeping. Right there, in bed. The waking thoughts that had to have stampeded from her classmate's somehow hadn't roused her out of her slumber. It was... fuck, it was a miracle!

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." Aizawa whispered to himself, very slowly backing out of the room. He closed the door ever so softly, his entire arm shaking from the effort of his slow creep. He had to stay quiet. This could be monumental for Harper's training. One good night of rest could go a long way. He wasn't sure how long she'd been asleep. Maybe a few minutes, maybe an hour, maybe more than that. Point was, she was resting. Resting! He had to all literally everyone and tell them all. Especially Tsukuachi. He'd want to know. Though not as outward about his adoration for Harper, it was there. It was nice to have someone to relate to.

He had to get the other kids out of here. Maybe some would complain about Harper getting to sleep in, but he didn't give a flying fuck! She was tired! Like, more tired than they were! She lacked the ability to get anywhere close to a decent night's sleep. He'd sooner shoot himself between the eyes than risk this. Though the temptation to sprint back to his class and get them out of the building as quickly and quietly as possible, he resisted. Instead, he walked very slowly. Tried to walk on where the solid beams in the floor were so the panels wouldn't creak. He even held his breath for like, half the time he was going back. 

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