Chapter 49

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Third person pov

Harper knew something bad was going to happen. Do you want to know how she knew such a thing? Well, it's because she's Harper Rye, and dumb shit always happens when she's around. Luckily for her, most of the things that happen to her can be blamed not on herself, but on Nezu. She always finds a way to trace it back to him, no matter how unconventional. This is one of those things. He chose this location. He made this happen. He arranged the entire thing, and he probably knew exactly what he was doing to her.

"What's wrong?" Kirishima asked as the bus rolled to a complete stop. Harper had that expression on her face that usually indicated that things were going to go to complete and utter shit. Not a good thing, considering this was supposed to be an incident-free trip. "I've never seen that frown before. Is it new? What to I categorize it as? I really need to stop being so damn creepy all the time and just figure out what's wrong using words, like a normal person. But sometimes it's so hard to get her to talk..."

Harper grimaced. It had taken her all of ten minutes on the bus to realize exactly where they were going. Her worst fears had come to life. The exact place she had hoped they weren't going, they were going. It made her want to close her eyes and never open them again. Her thoughts were only confirmed by Aizawa's. He didn't ever specifically say the location, but his excitement as he talked about how surprised she was going to be was palpable. Her luck was truly something to behold. Harper honestly wasn't too sure how she was still alive at this point. Her life was just one big, broken roller coaster. It was only a matter of time before her cart derailed.

Don't get her wrong. She had nothing against the location they were going to. In fact, she quite liked it. She was just... tired. She didn't want to deal with it and her class at the same time. She knew there'd be questions, and Harper didn't like answering those if she didn't have to. This could also put her cover at risk. Most of her class was at least somewhat aware that her 'father' was Tsukauchi. They all assumed it or had been told it directly. This could shatter that, and then they'd start to doubt other things she didn't need them doubting right now.

"I know where we're going." Harper grumbled as the bus was put in park. Mineta was practically begging to pee. He was also hoping someone else had to pee so he could watch, which was nothing short of completely disgusting. She sniffed to herself, eyes sweeping outside the windows and coming to a stop on the dark car parked idly by. She felt her heart drop at the sight of the familiar vehicle. This wasn't good. This really, really wasn't good. Her back wasn't going to be able to take what was going to happen after this. She wanted to say there was a way to avoid getting thrown off a cliff, but she'd seen it happen to other UA students too many times before to believe it.

"You do?" Kirishima asked, startled. He started to stand as Aizawa opened the doors. Their classmates foolishly filed off, all too trusting of their teacher. If only they knew the man was trying not to burst into hysterical laughter. "She doesn't look all that happy about this predicament. What do I do? Maybe I could convince Aizawa to leave us on the bus by calling him dad..."

"Come on. Time to stretch your legs." Aizawa said to them drawly as Izuku almost tripped down the steps of the bus. Bakugo had to catch him by the back of his shirt, just barely managing to halt him before he face-planted into the dirt. Harper massaged her temples, taking a deep breath and telling herself there was no way to avoid this. She'd had worse before. She'd been kidnapped like, three times. Maybe more than that. She wasn't counting at this point. This wouldn't kill her. She'd wish she was dead, but they'd all make it through.

"I hate you." Harper said to Aizawa in the most sincere tone possible. He flashed a bright smile. Harper wished one of their classmates were still on the bus to see and expose him. She narrowed her eyes as his expression dropped back into its usual blandness. "Who's out there? Who all is in that car?"

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