Chapter 12: Facial

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure?"

"Yup," the lad replied with a bob of his head. "You're my one and only."

"I might need some convincing."
Bo glanced right and left to make sure that no one was around before he gave Sean a peck on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Sean returned.

"I'm still here," Simon reminded.

"We know," they answered in unison.

"That heart shattering sound wasn't from Sean. It came from me," Simon grumbled and the two froze to look at him. "Just kidding. Haha!"

"About what?" Bo narrowed his eyes at his friend. "You being heartbroken or you pretending that you're not?"

"Um...let's hurry." Knowing that Bo had seen right through him, Simon fidgeted. "We have lots to do."

"Yes, beautiful." Bo stomped a foot on the floor and did a military salute with his hand to a side of his forehead.

"I'm not beautiful," Simon disagreed.

"You are, and I still want to see you wear that maid dress." Bo begged to differ.

"That's not going to happen...ever."

"I'm your best bud."

"To ensure that you stay as one, I'm not going to frighten you away with such..."

"Gorgeousness," Bo cut in.

"Ugh, no."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Why are you so persistent?" Simon shot back.

"Why are you two so adorable?" Sean added.

"We are not adorable!" they recited in unison.

"Oh, yes you are. Quit trying to deny it."

"Bo, I'm going to ignore your boyfriend now," Simon declared.

"Me, too." Bo stated.

"Anyone have a broom?" Sean inquired. "I need to sweep up the broken pieces of my heart."

"Drama queen." Grabbing hold of Sean's wrist, Bo dragged him along. "I'll mend that fragile blob of yours later."

"Must you call it a blob?" Sean complained.

"But, it's a lovely blob."

"Is that supposed to make it better?"


"Okay. My blob is all warm and fuzzy now."

"Goosebumps..." Simon voiced.

"You should thank us," Bo suggested.


"We're prepping your skin for future encounters with explosive episodes of cheesiness."

"Thanks," Simon responded reluctantly.

"You're welcome." Bo beamed.


They lugged their groceries to the car and headed back to Jason's place. The man was not home at the time of their arrival, so they unpacked everything in the kitchen. They put away all the items, leaving only the ones they needed to prepare for tomorrow's dinner on the counter. Bo stayed in the living room to keep watch.

"What should I do first, Sean?" Simon tied the strings of his pink, white ruffled cupcake-patterned apron and rolled up his sleeves.

"Stand there and look cute."

"What does looking cute have to do with me baking a cake?"

"What? Can't take a joke?"


"You're no fun."

"I'm not Bo."

"True." Sean grinned.


"Help me sift the flour and the baking powder that I've prepared into that large bowl," Sean instructed.

"HEY, JASON GE! YOU'RE HOME," Bo hollered from the living room.

The sifter dropped into the bowl the moment Simon heard Bo's voice and a white puff filled the air.

"Why are you shouting?" Jason queried.


"Yes, very loudly." Slowly making his way toward the kitchen, he saw Sean busy chopping some tomatoes while his maid stood there with a shocked expression. "W-Why is your face full of flour, Simon?"

"I...not flour...Bo...he...yeah..." Simon sputtered.

"I beg your pardon?"

"He said," Bo paused in thought, "he's having a facial."

"That's a facial?" Jason lifted a brow in question.

Simon nodded, whilst Bo explained. "It's the newest product from...Kenya. Yes, that's it. You put that powder on your face and let it sit for 10 minutes before blowing it off." Glancing up at the wall clock, he pretended. "Oh, look. Simon, it's time for me to blow you."

Simon and Sean dropped their jaws at Bo's announcement.

"That's..." Jason was speechless.

Bo gasped when he finally realized how misleading his statement was. "N-Not what you think. Jason ge could do the blowing. Simon probably prefers that more. Wait. What am I saying? I..."

"Bo, stop talking," Sean advised.


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