Chapter 4: Jamais vu

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Jin and Jhope are walking through the department store. Ami is trying on some clothes. Suddenly there is a scream in the changing room. Jin, who was the closest runs to the curtain and wants to run in, but stops right in front of the curtain. I can't just run into like this... The girl screams again. He decides to just man up and opens the curtain. Ami is squatting on the ground in her lingerie, holding her hands on the sides of her head. In the mirror there is her reaching out for her and pointing and laughing at her. Jin marvels for a second about this abnormal phenomena, but reaches out his hand and freezes the mirror so it becomes unclear and misty. He then proceeds to pick the girl up from the ground. She is holding him tight in a hug. "It's okay, it's gone. you see?" The girl looks slowly towards the mirror and can't see anything. He puts his hands on her back and softly slides them over her silken under dress. Oh this feels so soft and smooth... Lost in the moment he softly strokes her back. Jhope quickly joins them. "What happened?" Jin shakes his head softly and shushes Jhope. A I'll-tell-you-later vibe is all he needs to make that clear to Jhope. He grabs some clothes and helps her to get dressed, while keeping the mirror frozen up. When Ami was fully dressed she quickly gets out and runs. Jhope has got a few clothes her size and quickly checks them out to follow Jin and Ami. Outside the mall they are found on a bench, Jin sticking close to her, still having his arm around her. Jhope decides to go and buy some ice cream for them all.

Jin softly strokes her hair out of her face. "What was that?" He asks while checking every detail of her face. She is beautiful... The girl looks at his face, checking hers out. Wow, he is so beautiful. I should not be sitting next to him... Suddenly there is a big shadow behind her. Jin's eyes stray from her to something behind her and sees the shadow. He tries to freeze the shadow but just hits the plant behind her. It went straight through the shadow... I can't do anything... He is panicking and getting ready to run with her.

Jhope comes back out of the store with 3 icicles. He looks at Jin and Ami and notices the shadow. He does not hesitate and runs towards them. He sees Jin freezing a plant behind her. He reaches out his hand and light comes out of it and the shadow disappears. As he comes closer he keeps on showering them with light. Out of breath he signs to Jin to take her to safety. Jin grabs her hand and runs to the apartment. Jhope is still on his toes trying to cover them in case the shadow would return.

As they enter the apartment, both of them are out of breath. Jhope smoothly follows a few minutes behind them. The girl runs to her room. The others are just wondering what it was all about. Jin is trying to catch his breath. Jhope enters too, carrying the bags. "Did it come back?" V asks. Jhope looks at V and nods. "Not just- Not just that... it took a different form... Tell- Tell them Hyung..." he is trying to catch his breath too, Jin has recovered and V is focused on Jin now. "There was a mirror in the shop. It had the form of her reflection." "So there are 2 monsters chasing her?" V is shocked. "The more reason we should keep her close..." RM ads.

"Shouldn't someone check on her?" JK looks in the direction of his former room. Suga, who just came out of the studio is looking what the fuzz is about. "I'll go." Jimin walks towards the room. JK holds him. "Let me. I'll give it a try." JK walks to his room and enters. "Ami? It's me. JK. I'll enter now." He opens the door and sees her on the bed, crying. "I'm such a burden to all of you. I can't even save myself. I am so weak and a nobody." Suddenly with every word she speaks a big mass appears and stacks on top of her. It is pushing her down into the bed, almost crushing her. She moans in agony. JK doesn't wait and quickly runs to her, trying to lift the weights that are on top of her. "That-" he moves a piece "That's not true." He moves another piece. "You have endured this monster for so long al-Ugh-already" He lifts a heavy piece. "You are- You are so much strong- stronger than you give your-yourself credit for..." He throws another piece away with much effort. "You were on your own for so long... Now you got us!" The girl keeps sobbing The blocks keep coming. JK is not giving up. He keeps grabbing them and moving them away. "GUYS!" He shouts, getting tired. The others enter the room and see the attack. Jin reaches out to freeze it but Jimin grabs his arm and shakes his head. "You'll only make it heavier on her and JK..." Jimin decides he can't help either. RM is annoyed that even he can't do anything to help her and JK. Jhope and Suga too. The girl keeps crying and thinking negative thoughts about herself and the stones keep attacking her. "You are beautiful! So gorgeous!" Jin shouts. JK has no breath to spare to talk anymore and he keeps fighting the weights. "You aren't burdening us at all! We are BTS! We care about you!" RM tries. The girl sobs a bit less. "You are amazing strong. I have not seen a strong person like you in a while now!" Jimin says. Suga mumbles "You are an inspiration... to many others..."

The stones stop coming and JK is quickly removing the heavy rocks, who seem to disappear when they touch the floor. Eventually he cleared all of them and falls down, exhausted, next to the girl on the bed. The girl looks to her side and is nose-to-nose with him. He pants and smiles at her. "Are you okay? Not hurt?" He is trying to catch his breath. The girl pouts and is about to cry again at seeing him in such agony. "Nononono, don't cry anymore. This was such-Such a nice workout. Pfoooo... I am strong too, right?" He smiles again. she softly smiles too. He is startled at her sudden ghost of a smile. He puts his forehead against her and cuddles into her, while still recovering from the intense labor. The others leave the room. "Does this mean it can get in our house too?" V asks worriedly. Everyone is a in foul mood in the living room. "We were helpless..." Jimin states what they all were thinking. "Yet the crisis is again averted. What could that thing be? It has so many shapes and forms. It is scaring even me..." RM sighs. "I don't know. Maybe a demon, or a... I don't know..." Jhope sighs too. Jin is looking around anxiously. "Do you think since it is in our house, it could... you know... attack us too?" Suga gets up and puts a hand on Jin's shoulder. "Even if it is, we can do this. We should stick together. We can overcome anything together." Jin looks with anxious eyes at Suga and Suga looks serious at Jin. Jin is strangely comforted and feels his heart warm up. He puts his hand on Suga's hand and taps it softly. "Thanks bro" He whispers under his breath. "Did everyone got a good look at it?" RM asks. They all nod but a bit hesitant. "It had a different form this time." V's voice doesn't hide its nervousness. Jhope and Jin nod. "It seems that this monster takes many faces. We must be careful." RM's leadership is really shining through in this time of hardship. "It copies too. so if any member is acting out of place be quick to act." Jin adds. Everyone agrees in silence. Jk comes out his room and looks tired. "Well done kooks." Jhope taps jk on his back. " was the least I could do." Jimin bites his lips. "Guess we were pretty useless,sorry. Even the most powerful one could do nothing" he looks at Suga who is looking down.

He notices the silence and looks up. Inside he is burning up from anger. In order not to explode he just walks away to the balcony. Do you think I don't know that? Damnit. What use is this power if I only have 1 and it was useless. He sighs into the distance. "But i could have sworn I seen this monster before ...." he mumbles under his breath. "What was that?" Jin suddenly pops up from behind him. Suga is startled. "Nothing!" He quickly answers. Jin decides not to give it any more thought. "Jin?" "Hmmmm?" "You did see that we were powerless, all of us, right?" Jin nods. "It did not matter who had the strongest powers... it is depending on the situation. so don't worry. You aren't weak." Jin is tearing up and breaks into crying. How did he know this has been eating at me? Suga softly embraces Jin. There we go... let it all out hyung. We have been roomies for so long now, I know you best. He pats Jins back in a comforting way. The others notice the moment between those two and decide not to interfere. "I guess this is forming a challenge on all of us..." V says. "With great power comes great responsibility" Rm adds. Jhope nods. "But luckily we have each other." He gestures his head to where jin and suga are. Everyone is comforted by that example and thought. Jin and suga break up their hug and suga wipes jins tears away. "Come on worldwide handsome. show me that WWH smile." Suga gummiesmiles at Jin. Jin stutters a laugh and helps wiping away the tears and fixing his face up again. "Yoongi you are amazing. you know that? You are passionate but also so compassionate. I am so happy to know you." Suga blushes slightly but is feeling extremely happy. He wants to say 'same' but refrains since it is so unlike him and embarrassing. He nods and makes movement to go back in. Jin stays a bit longer outside to get back to himself. Inside everyone is much more refreshed too. The smell of defeat has not completely faded yet but it is being overpowered with hope and courage. JK is however laying depleted in the couch. They all return to their rooms for the night.

We are BTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora