Ex's & Oh's

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Oh finally it's Saturday morning. I am so happy I can spend it with him, after all the ups and downs. I'm gonna spend the day with one and only Min Yoongi and nothing is going to stop me.

Text. From Yoongi.
"I'm awake and I'm waiting for you :)"

"I'm awake and I'm waiting for you :)"

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Oh look at that face o______o

Well I am definitely awake now. I got up, showered, curled my hair a little, decided to wear a button up dress and sandals with platforms. I did my eyeliner and brows, nails, I sprayed myself with lavander body spray. Oh I look like a million dollars.

I put my makeup bag, wallet and phone in a tote bag and waited for the car to beep so I can go down. Yes, Yoongi sent a car for me since my bike was dead (RIP). I still had a little scar on my forehead and a bruise on my right leg but all together I looked very cute and if I might add, sexy too.

I wish I could forever screenshot the look on Yoongi's face when he opened the door and saw me. It was priceless. He was like 'damn girl is that you?'
"Oh Valerie, you look so good today."
"Don't I look good always?" I raised my eyebrow. Maybe I had a concussion when that motorcycle hit me but I was feeling more cheeky and flirty than before.
"My mistake, you always look good, but today you are glowing" he hugged me and we got in his UN Village apartment. 

The place was even more beautiful than the Bangtan's house. Everything was gray/black, modern and well planned. I was just standing in the middle of the living room admiring the chandelier and the view. 

Suddenly I asked "Is something burning?"
"Shit. Breakfast!"
I laughed so hard when I saw him running to kitchen and flipping black pancakes.
"This is your fault Val, if you didn't look so good I would've focused on this."

Ten minutes later he made another round of pancakes. We sat in the kitchen and ate in peace. Sweater weather by The neighbourhood was playing in the background.
"So, what are we doing today?" I asked.
"We can play games, I have this retro console so we can play games such as..."
"Super Mario? Donkey Kong? Chip and Dale?"
He nodded "Yes, I have them all."
"Oh this is like going back to my childhood again. I miss it so much. Games and cartoons these days are horrible."

To be honest I was overdressed for pancakes and games but spending time with him was more important. He did seem a bit reserved today but I guessed he was just a bit nervous.
After a few hours of playing games we talked about the day we first met.
"And when we ran in the fitting room and I was like what is going on???" he said.
"My favorite part is the screaming girls hahaha opppaaaaa"
"Yah, I don't like it when I'm called oppa."
"Okay oppa."

He started tickling me and we were rolling on the sofa the next moment.
"I could just do this all the time. So relaxing and carefree." he said. "Ah! I almost forgot. I bought you something."
He got up and grandpa style ran to his bedroom. He is so funny.

"Just a little something. I hope you like them."
I opened the small box. It was a pair of dangling earrings, similar to the ones he often wears.
"Ah these are so beautiful" I ran to the mirror to try them on immediately.

"Thank you very much Yoongi" I walked to him and went in for a kiss.  He put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. Slow music was playing in the background. We moved along with the melody just kissing and dancing and it seemed like that moment was about to last forever.

When we finally separated both blushing like teenage girls, I asked "Do you want to make lunch together?"
"Yeah, what do you have in mind?"
"I thought I could prepare something I usually eat back home. You can assist me."
"Sounds good."

He checked his refrigerator for all the ingredients I needed and there were a few things missing.
"No problem" I said "I will run out to the store to buy these groceries and you cut the vegetables okay?"
"Yeah. Take the key so you dont have to buzz."


I got my bag and went outside. There was a 7/eleven just around the corner so I bought chicken breasts, spices, a bottle of wine and chocolate truffles.
I was in front of the building entrance when someone behind me shouted.

"Hey, hi dear please hold the door." a woman said. She was about my age, long black hair with bangs, the tightest dress I've ever seen in my life, pair of expensive looking shoes and a suitcase.
I held the door for her so she can go in. She was talking on the phone "...yeah, yeah you know us, we break up and make up twice a month. And darling I must tell you, make up sex is the best sex." She said that and winked at me. Awkward.

Now we were both waiting for the elevator. She interrupted her conversation to ask me:
"You live here?"
"Ah didn't think so. No offense... It's just, I've never seen you before..."
The elevator came and I gestured that she can go first since she has a big suitcase with her. She continued her phone call as the doors closed.

What a bitch I thought to myself. I guess these posh and rich people are all alike. Except for Bangtan boys, they are so humble and down to Earth.

I got out of the elevator and as I was coming close to the apartment door I noticed they were already half open. I stood there and heard two voices. Yoongi is talking to a girl?

She said "Oh this is a warm welcome. You are making lunch for me. Give me a kiss babe."
"What are you doing here?"
"Didn't you tell me like a million times I should come to Seoul? Well here I am. Don't act so surprised."
"You broke up with me Yuna, remember?" Yuna, fucking Yuna.
"Ah we broke up 10 times in a year, why are you acting up? I'm here now and everything is fine. Kiss me!"
"You can't just come here like nothing happened. I am done..."
"Oh I know about your little affairs whenever we break up. I forgive you. Come here.. "

Yoongi suddenly noticed me standing there with a bag of groceries in my hands..
"Oh, Valerie..."
"Jagi, who is this?" she asked.
He froze so I had to think fast.

"Sorry to interrupt mr. Min, here are the groceries you asked for." I bowed and walked towards them. I handed him the bag and keys. "Excuse me miss, I forgot my manners. I work as an intern in BigHit."
"Ah jagi, you make interns bring your groceries. You are such a bad boy." she laughed.
He just stood there.

"Well is that all or can I do something else for you?" I asked with the biggest fake smile in the world.
"No, thank you." he said quietly.
"Alright then, have a great day mr. Min and miss..."
"Soon to be Min hahaha..." she turned to him and said quietly "is she waiting for a tip or something?"
"No ma'am, I'm sorry for interrupting you. Have a good day."  I smiled.

I closed the door behind me and ran. I couldn't wait for the elevator. I ran downstairs. I just wanted to get out of that awful building.
Suddenly it didn't look so expensive and beautiful. It looked hideous, dark and dirty.


Click, click, click, boom. The clicking sound in my head finally stopped.
Weird! I don't feel anything. No anger, no sadness, nothing. I just feel empty.

Empty. Just like in Sarajevo when I ended my relationship with an abusive, lying, cheating boyfriend.
I guess my tears ran out back then, I felt nothing after that.

Shame. I shrugged my shoulders.

There it is - I liked him fast and disliked even faster. That was my curse.

It is official - I give up! 
This was the last straw!

Seoul, Bangtan and me (Taegi X Me) ✅Where stories live. Discover now