Flying Through Wonderland

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  • Dedicated to the ones who shared those five years with me.

Flying through wonderland.

Snow falling in the deepest parts of my mind:

a wonderland that will never be left behind.

Feelings swirling like a blizzard.

And I'm done pretending.

Flying through wonderland,

I realize it’s exhausting

pretending that I was never in that place,

that the past is truly the past

because it isn't.

I would be lying if I said

that wasn't the best five years of my life.

Ups and down

that would make the tallest mountains jealous.

And here I am:





Loved a thousand times over.

Flying through wonderland,

I gaze with wide eyes.

The people back then have moved on,

Reminiscing alone

When I want so badly to yell,

“Remember when we couldn’t live without each other?

Remember when our lives revolved around

Everyone in the group?

Our lives were twisted together

And we went along with the ride,

Jumping off at different spots

Until none of us remained.”

Flying through wonderland

with parachutes,

Diving off one by one.

The memories are vivid,

The feelings of belonging somewhere,

Of being accepted

For who we truly were

Instead of who everyone else wanted us to be.

Changing in our own ways,

But always dragging everyone along.

Something shifted along the way

And everything we had built up as a group

Fell from our grasps with no grips.

Flying through wonderland,

We landed in different scenes

But always kept each other in mind.

Talking a few sentences here and there

Every couple months

Reminds me that those five years

Are not forgotten.

That even though we've changed,

The people we were back then

Will always be a part of us

No matter how hard we try

To pretend to be someone different.

Flying through wonderland.

Snow falling in the deepest parts of my mind:

a wonderland that will never be left behind.

Feelings swirling like a blizzard.

And I am no longer pretending.

~nikkie may.

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