In Sight.

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Keep in mind

What you need to

In order to get through

The days to come.


Constantly going without


Take a deep breath.

Remember to breathe.

Remember that

it all pays off.

Remember why

You're doing this to begin with.

For him.

Even though it doesn't matter.

Ask questions to be involved.

Don't ask too many.

Keep up to beat.


Take a deep breath.

And remember.

Don't complain.

Don't vent.

You don't want a fix

But they don't understand that.

Wondering if this is how

It will always turn out.

If it is,

You don't want to bother.

Keep the vision in your head.

Three years

And maybe you'll get

What you need.

Until then,

Keep smiling.

Keep positive.

Keep him in your view

And let him know he's there

Even if he doesn't have time

For you to be in his.

It doesn't matter.

You think maybe you'll find someone

That's perfect for you.

But then you realize

You won't have time

With keeping up

With everything at home

And school.

See that future

And it feels unreal.

It seems unrealistic.

But keep it in mind.

And remember to smile.

~nikkie may.

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