Chapter 8. The Scroll and The Pirates.

ابدأ من البداية

Y/n shrugged, stopping her Waterbending, "You had to figure it out on your own. I'm lucky to have a great teacher." Y/n told her, smiling to try and get her mood up again.

It was true, she was a lot better than her past teacher.

"Thanks." Katara's mood shifted immediately, a blush covering her cheeks as she smiled.

"So, what's next?"

"This is a more difficult move. I call it streaming the water." Katara answered, moving her hands and raised a stream of water from the river into the air and moved it around, "It's harder than it looks, so don't be disappointed if-"

Katara cut herself off in shock when she saw Y/n already controlling a stream of water, moving it around and above her body and neatly coiling it back into the river, much to Katara's dismay.

"Nice work." Katara crossed her arms, "Though the over-the-head flare was unnecessary." She stared with a frown.

"Sorry." Y/n shrugged. It wasn't her fault she was good, "Well, don't stop now! Keep 'em coming!"

"Well, I kind of know this other move, but it's pretty hard. I haven't even totally figured it out yet." She turned back to the water, "The idea is to create a big, powerful wave." She moved her hands up, shaking, starting to get a big mass of water to rise out of the river, but it popped before splashing back into the river.

"So, like this?" Y/n questioned, lifting her hands to create a massive wave that towered over their heads.

Sokka was working on cleaning Appa, he looked up and stared at Y/n's wave crashing towards him in fear, "Y/n?!" The wave threw Sokka off into the water, his head slowly rising out of the water, annoyed. Aang had sprawled out on the ground by the shore, laughing his butt off.

"Looks like I got the hang of that move! What else do you got?" Y/n asked, panting slightly, wiping beads of sweat off her forehead.

Katara didn't even catch her worn out expression when she turned away from her, "That's enough practicing for today." She stated, angry.

Aang looked at Y/n with worry, she was getting worse. He knew. Despite of anything she told him.

"Yeah, I'll say!" Sokka agreed, his head still sticking out of the water, "You just practiced our supplies down the river." He pointed to the left, where a group of bags floated away.

"Sorry." She smiled a little, "I'm sure we can find somewhere to replace all this stuff."

"My life was hard enough when you were just an Airbender." Sokka said in a mutter, his head sinking back underwater.

He couldn't believe who he was falling for.

~No one's P.O.V~

The team soon found themselves walking through the streets of a city market and port.

"We've got exactly three copper pieces left from the money that King Bumi gave us. Let's spend them wisely." Sokka said out loud, adjusting the bag over his shoulders.

"Uh, make that two copper, Sokka." Aang gave him a nervous smile, "I couldn't say no to this whistle!" He told him, pulling out a white whistle that looked like a bison.

Aang took a huge breath and blew into it. It didn't make any sound.

"It doesn't even work." Aang stopped blowing when Momo squeaked at him, "See? Even Momo thinks it's a piece of junk." Sokka told him, gesturing to the lemur, who jumped back from Aang's shoulder to Y/n's.

Legend of Y/n:  Lost. (Various X F! Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن