Chapter 26 Bet

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Dove Pov

I was shocked to see her but I sat in front of her

I'm glad you came

Sascha said to me

Uhm... Wh-why did you want to see me?

I asked her politely

I-I just want to... I.. I need your help

Sascha said to me

About what?

I asked

Can you set up a dinner for me and my daughter Sofia?

Sacha said

I'm sorry but I really don't want to be included between you and miss Sofia

I said

Pls..... I really need your help I'll do anything in return

Sascha said

But why me?

I asked her

Cause I can't contact Sarah and Sofa is ignoring all of my messages and I know that you and her are close

Sascha said and I still is a little Hesitant

Pls....I'm dying... I only have 3 months... And I want to spend it with my daughter so I'm begging you

Sascha said while helding my hand

I was shocked when I heard that

Why what's happening?

I asked her

I have cancer...

Sacha said and I can see tears forming in her eyes and I can't stand seeing someone like that

Okay.... I'll help you

I said while helding her hand back

Thank you so much

Sascha said while smiling

Don't say thank you yet we still don't know if Sofia will love it but I will not give up

I said while smiling

Skipped time

Me and Sacha finished talking and we went our separate ways

I then called Sofia

Sofia on the phone

Hey Dove watsup?

Hey Uhm I was just wondering if you have any plans for tonight?

Uhm no it's my day off

That's great I was wondering if you want to have dinner with me?

Yeah sure! I'll pick you up at 8?

Sounds good!

Okay see you later

See you later

I then hung up and go to my penthouse

Sofia Pov

I was so happy when Dove wanted dinner with me I really need her presence she really calms me down

I then decided to go to my closet and decided what I want to wear

Should I go red?

I asked myself while looking at a mirror

No too bold

I said while throwing the shirt

How about white?

I asked myself and look at myself in the mirror with the white shirt on

No... Too boring

I said while throwing out the white shirt

How about yellow?

I asked myself and did the same thing

No to bright

I said as throwing away the shirt

I then checked the time and it was already 7

What the heck! Where did the time go?

I asked myself rushing to the bathroom

I took a bath and after that I quickly did my hair and I put on some makeup

I checked the time and It was already 8:05

I then felt frazzled and I put on some blue shirt tucked in a black pants with some white sneakers

I then got in the car and drove to Mal's penthouse

I knocked on the front door and I was greeted by Cameron

Hey is Dove ready?

I asked

Uhm wait I'll call her please come in

Cameron said and I go inside

Dove! You're date is here!

Cameron yelled making me blush

I then saw a beautiful girl going down the stairs and I felt my heart racing rapidly and I felt like every thing went slow mo

Hey Sof...

She said smiling

Hey Dove... You look stunning

I said while staring at her and I saw her blush

You too you look gorgeous

Dove said this time making me blush

Okay you two have fun on your date

Cameron said

And Me and Dove go to my car  and we went to the restaurant Dove's talking about

Cameron Pov

Look at Sofia she is already taking Dove on dates

I said sounding so proud

Pls Thomas can take Dove on dates too

China said scoffing

Sofia matches Dove perfectly

I said crossing my arms

Oh no Honey, Thomas match Dove perfectly

China said getting defensive

Nooo No No No  Sofia is

I said shaking my index finger on her face

No Thomas is.

China said sassily

I bet you 30, 000 dollars that Dove will end up with Sofia

I said smirking

I bet 30k that Dove will end up with Thomas

China said smirking back

Wanna do a bet?

I asked


China said

It's a deal then

I said while handing over my hand

You're gonna lose I'm telling you already

China said smirking while shaking my hand

We will see

I said smirking back

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