Chapter 6 Clone

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Sofia Pov

I opened the door and I saw Booboo and a mysterious guy talking

Ohh here you are

Boo said standing up and the guy stood up aswell

This is Cameron he is the assistant/producer of Dove our Photographer

Boo said to me

Uhm hi I'm Cameron nice to meet you Mam

He said extending his hand

Hi Cameron I'm Sofia Carson the CEO of CCB and she is Sarah my assistant

I said to her as I shook his hand

So where is this Dove?

I asked

Ohh they went to the bathroom real quick

Boo said and I nodded

Then the I heard the door open

Ohh there they are!

Boo said

I turned around to look to see who it was and I first saw a dark skinned girl with black hair

After that she stepped aside and someone came in

I looked at who it was and I felt my world stop

My heart starts beating madly and I felt like everything went slow mo as I watched her closed the door and looked at our way

We locked eye contact and I felt my knees getting weak as she stare at me and she smile at me warmly

I stared at her for a second cause I think that I am dreaming

I then pulled her hand and I hug her tightly like I'm afraid to loose her

I miss you..... I'm so happy that you're alive

I said as I hugged her even more

Dove Pov

China went inside first and I go after her I closed the door and I saw this girl with a fancy black blazer and white t shirt and pants with black high heels stare at me

I looked at her and I smile at her

She then pulled my hands and she hugged me tightly like we've known each other for years

I am so confused at what is happening right now

I looked at China and Cameron and they looked back at me looking confuse as I am

I missed you....... Im so happ that you're alive

She whispered to my ear cause me to have goosebumps

I don't know why but her hugged is so familiar to me I feel like I am longing for her hug for a long time

Uhmm Miss are you okay?

I asked her while slowly patting her back

I then saw a girl then she pulled her away from me

Sofia stop...

She​ said as she separated us

I'm sorry about her she is just having trouble lately uhm you should just go to your penthouse and take a rest I'm sure you are tired from your flight

The girl said

How about the meeting?

I asked her

It will be rescheduled tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon don't be late okay?

The girl said and I Nodded

I'll bring you to your penthouse

Booboo said getting out Cameron and China followed him

And before I walked out I looked at the girl who just hugged me and she is just staring at me i smiled at her and I walked out the room

Sofia Pov

Once me and Sarah are alone in the meeting room I sat down at one of the chair still couldn't bealive what had happened

Sofia were you out of your mind?!

Sarah said scolding at me

What do you mean?! Sarah she is alive! I saw her!

I said to her

Sofia I know that she looks like Chloé but you shouldn't have hugged her! She might now be weirded out by you and drop the offer

Sarah said

And I didn't even think of that

I'm sorry I just get my emotion get the best of me

I said to her

Tomorrow we will have a business meeting again with her you will say sorry about what happened

Sarah said


I said looking down

Sofia I know that you miss Chloé and I do too... But she is not Chloé she is Dove

Sarah said to me

But they look like they are the same person

I said

I know and I thought that too but... She is Dove and she is not Chloé.... And don't let this affect your work

Sarah said and I sigh and nodded

I'm not herHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin