Chapter 5 Meeting Each Other

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Sofia Pov

I am now in my office doing some works

Then Sarah open the door and opened it

Don't you know how knock?

I hissed at her

Can't be bothered

Sarah said shrugging her shoulder

Where are they?

I asked pertaining to the photographer

Booboo went to grab them

She said and I nodded

Tell me the truth.... Why did you sent them from Hawaii to California?

Sarah asked me

I think the photographer is really well and very skillful

I said not looking at her and start to type in my laptop

Have you ever looked at her profile?

Sarah asked me

No not yet it's better if I asked her in person since ill be able to meet her in person today

I said to her


She said and her phone dings

She checked it up and looked at me

Booboo said they are already in  the meeting room

Sarah said

Okay let's go

I said standing up and going out of the room

When I was walking down the hallway to go to the meeting room I suddenly felt nervous

Hey Sofia are you okay?

Sarah asked me and I nodded at her

We then finally made it to the meeting room and I can hear Booboo's voice

I then held the door knob to open it and I felt my stomach dropped

Dove Pov

Dove.... Wake up were here

I woke from the a voice calling my name

I opened my eyes and I saw China looking at me

I sat up and looked around

Were here?

I asked

Yes now come on!

I heard Cameron yelled at me

We then chuckled at him and I got up and get my things and we went out of the airplane

I then saw Cameron run towards the Airport where we can get our baggage

That kid....

China said shaking her head laughing

I then laugh with her and go where Cameron is

Once we got our luggage we are now walking around the airport finding our service

Where is he?

China asked

I don't know he said he will be here

Cameron said looking around

Then a guy with long hair with brown eyes looking like a model
Goes toward us

Hey are you Dove?

The guy asked me and I nodded

Great! I'm Booboo Steward I worked at CCB

The guy said extending his arms at me

Hi I'm Dove this is Cameron my brother and this is China my best friend

I said smiling at him while shaking his hands

Ohh Nice to meet you

Booboo said as he shake Cameron's hand and China

My boss told me to get you from the airport

Booboo said

Ohhh okay

We nodded in Agreement

Oh I almost forgot this is Jeddiah he will be your personal butler and he will take your baggage

Booboo said


Cameron asked being protective over his things

Relax he can be trusted

Booboo said and Cameron just gave in

We gave our things to Jeddiah and he then walked off

Where is he going? He is stealing our stuff!

Cameron said

He's not relax. He will just put your things to your penthouse

Booboo said


All of us said in a sync

Just come with me and my boss will tell you everything

Booboo said

And we nodded

He leaded us out of the airport going to a limousine

Woahhhh are we riding that?

Cameron asked surprisingly

Yup get in

Booboo said as we get in the Limo

Me and China sat beside each other as Booboo and Cameron sat across from us

Wow this is so cool

Cameron said

I know right

China said eating the chocolates given by Booboo

So Doodoo do you own this?

China asked

China its Booboo

I said to her and Booboo chuckled

It's okay Uhm no I don't own this. This is all from my Boss

Booboo said as China nodded

Your boss must be a gazillioner then

Cameron said making him chuckled

We then reached our destination and we went in the elevator following Booboo and we went inside a room that has many chairs and a long table

Please take a sit my boss will be here any minute now

Booboo said

We then sat at the chairs

I then look around and I don't know why but I felt like I've been here before... This room looks so familiar to me

Excuse me Booboo but where is the bathroom?

I asked him

Uhm we have one down the hallway just turn left

Booboo said and I nodded

Hey you want me to come with you?

China asked me

And I nodded

Me and China go to the bathroom and did our thing

After that we go back to the room and I open the door and suddenly there is two girls in the room

Ahh there they are!

Booboo said and the two girls turned around to look at me

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