''Do you really need somewhere to stay?'' I ask him.

I was serious when I said he could stay here if he wants. I really would have to ask Otto first though, and if he isn't comfortable with it then I'll just let Steven stay at one of Javier's condos out here.

He shakes his head.

''No,'' He says, ''I mean I actually don't have a house though. I moved out of the place that I had with Mariana. I'm looking for another house now.''

''Oh,'' I say, surprise very evident in my voice.

I knew he called it quits with her, but I didn't realize he was serious.

I figured she'd guilt him into playing house, but hey, good for him for being adamant in his decision.

''Are you looking for something in New York? Because I can have Javier get you a good price on anything you have your eye on out there.'' I offer.

''I have my eye on something, but it's not in New York,'' Steven replies, and I know he's flirting. And I know I shouldn't take the bait he's throwing. ''I really wanna find something near here, you know? I like the view over here.''

I laugh, shaking my head. This kid is relentless. I get up from the sofa, walking over to the bookshelf in the room near the window. I search the shelf for the book I have in mind.

''You sure you want to be that far away from your job? From your child?'' I ask him as I continue scanning through the books.

''I can expand my firm to include an office in LA. I can get a roundtrip ticket to New York ten times a month if that's what it takes. I know what I want Damien.'' He answers seriously. He's clearly put some thought into this.

A lot of thought.

''What do you want?'' He asks me.

I finally find the book I'm looking for. I pull it from the shelf, opening it up and flipping through the pages. I come across the polaroid photos tucked in between a couple of the pages. I grab them from the book, placing it back on the shelf and walking over to Steven.

He stands up and I reach my hand forward, handing him the photos.

He grabs them from my hand, slowly analyzing each one.

''To be happy,'' I say.

He looks up at me, his eyes brimming with tears from taking in the memories of the photos I just handed him.

''Huh?'' He asks, clearly forgetting what he'd asked me in the first place.

''You asked me what I wanted,'' I remind him. ''And I just wanna be happy.'' I look at the photos in his hand. ''And I want you to be ha—''

Before I can finish my sentence, his lips are covering mines.

Stevens lips, matted over mines like a cloth of silk, layered with intensity in every thread.

My lips are on fire yet my body remains numb, too numb to pull him closer but...maybe more importantly too numb to push him back.

His hand is at the nape of my neck, holding tightly as if he's afraid that I'm going to pull away.

My hands remain at my side, my body still as he deepens the kissing, conquering my mouth and exploring every bit of it.

And it feels fucking amazing.

Electrifying to the touch is his fingers that coax their way through my hair, as his tongue reminds me of one of my favorite talents of his.

'Take my goddamn breath away then.' I think to myself as he tugs at my bottom lip, his mouth back on mines in mere seconds.

His other hand is on my hip, and he grips tightly, chills rocketing up my spine.

And I realize, although I'm not going to grab him and kiss him back, the last thing on my mind is pulling away.

Even though it should be the first.

Because I'm not a bad person and I don't do shitty things like cheat on my boyfriend.

I don't.

Steven separates his lips from mines, resting his forehead on mine. He takes a deep breath, and I can't help but to take one too because I don't really know what the hell he's thinking right now.

''I want you to be happy too,'' He whispers out. His hand is still at the back of my neck, caressing gently. ''But you see, I'm not like you. I'm selfish Damien. And I want you to be happy with me.'' He admits.

He removes his hands from my body, taking a step back.

I look up at him, tugging at my bottom lip with my teeth. It's still tingling from his teeth. He smiles.

He holds the photos up in his hand. ''I'm gonna go now, okay? And I'm keeping these since they were mine anyway.''

He walks out of the living room.

And I'm pretty sure he just made it very clear to me that he's not planning on walking out of my life anytime soon. 


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Posted: May 04, 2020. 

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