Practical_Day & Toddler!Reader

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[Author's P.O.V]

When Unpredictable woke up from his sleep, he realized that his uneaten sandwich was missing, only to realize that Y/N was sitting right in front of his desk. Crumbs on their face as they stood up and hugged his leg.

"Good morning!!"

Unpredictable yawned and ruffled Y/N's hair.

"Morning, did you sleep well?"

Y/N nodded.

Unpredictable stood up, stretched out in his place and walked over to their suitcase. Fixing the case to make sure nothing was going to fall out.

"Mm.. since you already ate, heheh, let's get going!"

He picked up Y/N in his arm, grabbing the suitcase with his other, and walked out of his Residence.

The streets were filled with Civilians walking from both sides, chatting with their friends, and following Operatives.

A few Civilians jogged up to Unpredictable.

"Mister, there's a broken street light, the bulb rolled out of the post and now it's missing."

"I think the elevator is broken, me and my friend tried using it.. and it stopped halfway down."

"Sir, my door can't open. I had to exit out through my window."

The last one caught him off guard.

"Out.. the window?"

The Civilian nodded.

"Oh.. I'll go check out the street light. May you all follow me towards [OPERATIVE] Practical_Day's workplace? You can let him know about the elevator and your door."

They all nodded as they followed Unpredictable and Y/N. Y/N played 'peek-a-boo' with the Civilians that were walking behind.

As they were nearing a building, they heard several noises of metal being cut. They were getting ready to enter the building until they heard a loud boom.

Everyone jumped in fright and Practical walked out, waving the smoke away from his masked face.

"What the hel- hecc happened in there?"

"Ahah, nothing to worry about. Anywho, I heard from Emo, it's my turn to look after the little one. Isn't that right Y/N?"

Practical held out his arm to pick up Y/N away from Unpredictable. He smiled through his mask.

"Well, I'm off to fix a street light. These two Civilians have requests for you to fix. Farewell!"

Unpredictable turned away, following the Civilian who was taking him to the street light.

"Mm, alright. What happened?"

Both Civilians began to talk but one of them stopped to let the other talk.

"My Residence door is out of order. I tried punching my doors buttons but nothing happened. So I had to exit out through my window."

Practical raised his eyebrows.


Y/N giggled which made Practical chuckle.

"Alright, let's go fix some things Y/N."

Practical followed the Civilians to fix the things.


"Well," Practical sighed, placing Y/N down on his work table. "That was fun, wasn't it?"

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