V o i d

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He's my favorite in this world so far qquqq

《 Looks 》

《 Looks 》

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《 Name 》


《 Gender 》


《 Code 》


《 Age 》


《 Species 》

Star Child

《 Theme 》


《 World 》

Children of the Stars

《 Power level 》


《 Weakness 》

Sappiness, emotions

《 Powers 》

He controls the dark and some of the smaller black holes. He usually doesn't use his powers, since it causes a lot of destruction.

《 Weapon 》

A dark-colored bow

《 Personality 》

Void isn't social. He doesn't like making friends, he doesn't like company, he only likes solitude and emptiness. Looks up to his mother and his dead father. He's determined and doesn't give up easily, will do anything to get his way. He doesn't care about the other kingdoms, only his own. He barely converses but talks very formally.

《 Flaws 》

He's pretty cold and reckless. He doesn't care about anybody's feelings and often pushes his own away too. 

《 Other 》

He's the prince of the Black Hole kingdom. Takes his role very seriously, even if his mother's not dead, he's prepared to rule.

《 Sexuality 》


《 Partner 》


《 Theme song 》

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