Beta and Pascal

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My two new favorite villains, in the flesh :D

Warning, these will be pretty fucked up


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Beta when he loses his colors

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Beta when he loses his colors

Beta when he loses his colors

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(redeemed Pascal in the future)

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(redeemed Pascal in the future)

(redeemed Pascal in the future)

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Name: Beta

Gender: Male

Code: Mixed

Age: around 1400 (28 in human years)

Species: Demon (my version)

World: Life's Rebirth

Demon version: Cursed Demon

Power level: :)

Weakness: ???

Powers: WIP

Weapon: his arrow thing

Personality: He's really fucked up in the head. Most times he's really playful, dramatic and overexaggerates his happy-go-lucky act until it almost looks fake. He likes to tease and taunt and is sometimes even goofy. When he loses his colors, he suddenly drops the act and becomes his true self, an emotionless, coldhearted serial killer.

Flaws: He has no sense of morality and is inhuman. He's deceitful, cold-blooded, guiltless, and regrets nothing. He kills for "fun", he gets pretty bored easily. Has almost zero redeeming qualities. He uses people and is anyone's worst nightmare. Holds grudges for a very long time and loves revenge. He's insane.

Other: Has had dark intrusive thoughts since his childhood and he was never bothered. He tortured his little brother, Delta, for seven years and has been a serial killer for a long time. Nobody's ever caught him. Absolutely hates Pure Demons. Unfortunately has a very high sex drive. Turns into BBB around his boyfriend Dawn.

Sexuality: gay

Partner: Dawn ( 's OC) :>>>

Theme song(s):


Name: Pascal

Gender: Male

Code: White

Age: around 1450 (29 in human years)

Species: Demon (my version)

World: Life's Rebirth

Demon version: Cursed Demon

Power level: ?%

Weakness: ???

Powers: WIP

Weapon: about anything, he prefers a short arrow-like spear though

Personality: Maybe a little less fucked up than Beta. He does show emotions sometimes, even if he tries not to. He can outsmart anybody and thinks outside the box, doesn't like company. He doesn't play around and gets straight to the point. He's logical and objective most of the time and hates all species equally.

Flaws: He tends to falter easily when things don't go his way. He gets annoyed easily and doesn't know boundaries. Sometimes even emotionally driven, he kills to try and get rid of all of those emotions. Has not much guilt or regret left, nor sanity.

Other: Gets intimidated by Beta when he loses his colors. Doesn't talk about his relatively normal past. May have some redeeming qualities. Has been a serial killer for a shorter time and has never been caught. Pretty much hates Beta.

Sexuality: asexual, questioning

Partner: none

Theme song(s):

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