"I don't need your permission, I am the queen," she smirked, "and how do you think it will look when some of the most powerful Alpha and Luna's in the country are sent away from the palace after making the long journey here in the first place?"

"You are not the queen, we are not married nor have you been crowned. Even if you were queen in the past, Richard is dead, therefore all you are is desperate."

She scoffed at him, "I will officially be queen soon, now behave, everyone else is under the impression we are a happy couple, don't ruin it, you don't want to jeopardize Amora's safety, hmm?"

She didn't wait for a reply as she dragged him into the ballroom, the classical music filling his ears as he looked around to stare at all the guests.

She let go of his arm and stood upon the small stage to speak, "welcome everyone! I hope you all had a safe journey here. I want to thank you all for coming and I hope you enjoy your evening. I would like to have my mate join me for this first dance of the night."

Epiales tried not to scream even though he really wanted to as Alessa dragged him onto the dance floor. Her hands wrapped around his neck as she forced his hands onto her waist. He could hear the guests cheering and clapping as they danced but he tried to block them out. He tried to pretend the feeling of Alessa touching his skin didn't feel like burning.

She kissed his cheek, smiling up at him with an evil glint in her eye. He had never hated her more than he did now. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was replicating the evening all those months ago where he and Amora danced in this exact room together. She was messing with his head.

She placed her head on his chest, just like Amora had. She pretended to struggle to dance, forcing Epiales to take the lead.

He was sweating, his heart was beating rapidly and his anger grew faster and hotter. The only way he would survive this evening is by pretending it was Amora he was with. Back when things were simpler and he was just an Alpha, she was here and not somewhere in the middle of the woods.

Epiales began to move and Amora struggled to keep up with him, but he held on to her, guiding her through his movements.

He sighed and stroked her waist gently, running his hand up and down her back as they swayed together in time with the music.

The music slowly came to a stop and Amora lifted her head, expecting Epiales to immediately let go of her but he didn't, he continued to hold her and sway slowly, he even pulled her closer so that their chests were touching, their breathing becoming synced.

That is the moment he knew he loved her. That is when he knew and it killed him that he didn't know how to show it.

When Epiales opened his eyes, the dance floor was filled with couples and the song had changed. He looked down to see Alessa smirking up at him, "seems I've brought up a happy memory? I'm sure there aren't many of those to choose from."

"Why are you doing this?" He whispered as he spun her around.

"That throne belongs to me, you killed my husband. Show a little compassion will you?"

He knew she didn't care about Richard in the slightest, but he couldn't say anything to prove it. He didn't matter anymore anyway.

"How about we put on the same song from that night? What was it called again..." Alessa murmured, her hands trailing across his chest.

He held his breath, "you were there that night?"

She scoffed, "obviously, how do you think I pulled this off? I saw you both together, you looked so happy. It was sickening, really. The newly mated couple, getting to show off together while I wasn't even allowed near my husband because the world couldn't know I existed."

"That isn't my problem," he scoffed back, the song changed and Alessa took the lead, dragging him in closer as they waltzed.

"No...it wasn't, but Richard is dead and Amora is never coming back... so now we are each other's problem."

He stopped dancing, pushing her arms off of him, "she is coming back. Don't ever say her name again."

He didn't wait for a reply as he stormed off.

"Oh, he just needed a break, he's not much of a dancer." He could hear Alessa laughing in the distance as she conversed with the other guests.

"Are you alright, your highness?" A familiar voice asked.

Epiales unbuttoned the top button on his shirt as he turned around to reply. "Yes, I am alright. I just need some a- Lincoln?"

The man smirked, "long time no see, Alpha Epiales."

"It's king now, you will address me as such."

He put his hands up in defence, "my apologies, I'll let you get your air... I just wanted to say one thing."

"And what is that?"

"You and your new mate look so happy, I wonder, did you get fed up with Amora or did she get fed up with you? You know what... it's really none of my business. At least Alessa isn't as pathetic as Amora is."

Epiales lunged at him, landing a punch to the side of Lincoln's face, "don't you ever disrespect my mate like that again."

Lincoln spat blood out of his mouth and onto the floor as he laughed at him before backing away into the ballroom.

"He isn't worth it," he mumbled to himself as he approached the doors of the castle.

He walked outside, his head hanging low as he took deep breaths.

"Oh my goddess," a small voice whispered and Epiales' head shot up and he almost fell to the ground.

He blinked again and again, so sure of the fact he had finally gone crazy and his mind was playing a cruel trick on him.

"There is no way..."

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now