16 (Final)

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Police reports were made and the criminal had been caught. To your surprise, it was Dean who ran off Namjoon. His father bribed the police to free him out a month ago, so when he saw Namjoon on the street. He didn't miss the chance to kill him because Namjoon was the one who put him in jail under the charges of sexual harassment and illegal guns. Soon, Dean's father will be imprisoned too like his son because of bribery and their family's business, selling illegal dangerous weapons to the black market.

Weeks had passed after the case was closed. You still can't move on. Still have dreams about Namjoon. You had never missed someone this much before to the point it was killing you. You really need him to ease your heartbroken heart after the miscarriage. It was painful to see your daughter leave the same day as your husband died. Your world crumpled and destroyed by itself and there's nothing you can do to prevent this pitiful destiny.

You'd never leave the room since then. Namjoon's friends were kind enough to take care of you by making food and took turns to stay for the night. They would sleep at the couch or the guest room and would make sure you to eat by leaving it on a tray in front of your door. They were kindly sweet to slip a letter under the door every day, telling how their life had been going on, persuading you to leave the room to take some fresh air outside sometimes and how Namjoon would feel bad if he sees your condition right now.

Your eyes were badly swollen and your body became skinnier by day just by eating only bread and water to survive. Almost every night you have nightmares and you don't even remember when was the last time you've got a nice peaceful sleep. How can someone still be in pieces when their loved ones died tragically? How?

Knock knock

"Y/n, we need to talk. Could you please come out. I know it's very hard but you must be strong for him too. We are here for you. Please don't shut us off." Yoongi calmly said behind the door.

"Please, Y/n" Jungkook begged and so did the others as well.

You felt bad for them because this was not the first time they would ask you to come out and talk to them. After regaining your strength and will you decided to get out of the room and stop ignoring them. You slowly touched the doorknob while the thoughts of Namjoon never left your mind about how he used to break it and how his eyes would widen when he accidentally breaks something and even how the two of you would fix everything back up.

A loud thump echoed in the room when you fell on your knees. Tears once again swelling in your eyes, you tried to rub it off forcefully and convinced yourself that you're a strong woman.

No more running
No more hiding
No more isolating myself from the ones who still care about me.

You smiled bitterly, got up on your heels and finally turned the doorknob.

"Hyung! It's Y/n!" Jungkook cheerfully shouted and ran to hug your small frame, followed by Jimin, Taehyung and the others. It became a group hug.

"Y/n, we really missed and worried about you!" Jimin chimed in.

"Please don't ever ignore us ever again." Taehyung grunted while deepening his face in the hug.

"We may not be from the same bloodline but we will treat you as our own sister. We will stay by your side no matter what" Hoseok lectured, slowly retreating himself to wipe his tears away.

Giggles and laughter filled the entire atmosphere as they started to share their stories and jokes. The cold gloomy house had turned into a breezy spring house, feeling like the place just came alive and more lively.

Everything feels like returning to normal again. At this very moment, you could finally feel like your motivation was boosted up just by the welcoming and warm auras they brought. It's like you're not dead inside anymore until.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you about something important." The calm male voice spoke again.

You followed Yoongi's bigger frame that was leading to Namjoon's study room when he politely asked you to do so. The others seem to not interrupt at all. Yoongi faced a tall bookshelf that was against the wall, he observed each book closely. A beautiful music box melody was played somewhere inside the room when he pushed a certain book deeper than it should be, the bookshelf moved backwards.

Is that a hidden room? Why would Namjoon keep it as a secret?

Yoongi signalled to keep following him into the mysterious room. As you walked inside, everything was clean. There was just a sewing machine and a beautiful dress on a mannequin doll at the corner.

"Namjoon trusts me to deliver these letters to you if something happens to him before he could give it on his own. I'll be outside if you need me. Take your time, okay?" Yoongi gave you a fancy pink and blue envelopes and smiled before leaving you alone in the room just like he said.

Your hands shivered as you took it from him. You gathered all of your strength and slowly opened the pink envelope and then the blue one as well.

Is this the smell of Namjoon's perfume? He's such a sweet guy.

Tears after tears running down your rosy cheeks. The melody of tears dripping became one with the rhythm of the rain that was pouring heavily outside the house as if the skies could understand your aching heart and soul, longing for the one who you call love.

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