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HAi guys just need to say a few things. First off I have reached 22 followers at the same time this book reached 22 readers coinkidink? I think not! Anyways with that being said want to do something fun like a challenge. Oh! I've got it! So the challenge is this. You (my amazing followers and or readers.) Will recommend books that can be either by you or by one of your followers ( can't be someone you follow I will allow it they follow you back.) I will then rate it 1-10 and tell them what I think. Ok?👌Tye dead line for suggestions will be May,12 Lets have a little fun! The one who recommended my favorite book will win! There will be three prizes.

1st Prize is a book dedicated to you and a mention in my bio! Plus I'll follow you (if I haven't already!)

 I try to follow all my followers so if you followed me and I haven't followed you tell me so I can fix this horrendous crime!

2nd Prize is a book request You could request an art book a fanfic (look on my bio for all my fandoms.) Or even a Q/A! And I'll follow you! (See above)

3rd Prize is a mention in my most popular story and a follow!

comment your questions concerning the contest and In the words of Jackie Lynn Thomas "Stay Amazing!"

4 Long Years ( I'm continuing this for @starco246812)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum