"You switch houses?"

"Yup, don't you?"

I'm carefully studying Sky as he asks and answers. Sky slowly shakes his head and I can't tell if he's affected by his answer or not. "Nope, I haven't seen my mum in years."

"Phew, harsh divorce then."

"Not really."

"Mal doesn't enjoy switching houses as much, don't listen to him at all," I speak up.

Jamal agrees with me. "Yeah, it gets exhausting and confusing. Sometimes interrupts my school or holiday."

"What's it like having an elder sibling Issy?" Sky asks me, his cat eyes glinting.

"Don't call me Issy," I murmur, turning my spoon around.

"Easy Issy," Jamal laughs. "It rhymes and that's why I call him that. He thinks too much for his own good."

"It's not bad to think too much," I counter, "it helps keeps one out of trouble."

"Also makes one grow grey hair before their time."

I bring my hair closer to his face, "spot a grey hair if you can."

"I would search but then I still adore and have use for my fingers."

I move back with satisfied smile over him.

"I can search for you," Sky speaks up and simultaneously Jamal and I yell no.  "Okay..."

"Sky, first tip of survival," Jamal raises a finger up. "Never touch Israel's hair." I nod in agreement.

"Why not?"

"Because he makes so much fuss about it. More fuss than a pregnant woman does," Jamal turns to me. "More fuss than the poor hair deserves."

"My fuss is well deserved!" I insist. "You have no idea how hard my hair can be."

"So no one has ever touched your hair?" Sky asks, a mischievous look on his face.

"Kinda," I back away a bit. "Please don't try it."

"Yes," Jamal agrees with me. "This night can go from zero to ten in a second if you do."

"I won't," he looks at me and there's something in his eyes I can't quite place. I shrug it off.

"About Nessa, she's pretty awesome. I look up to her sometimes and most times, she never fails." I summarised.

"After dinner can we play a game?" Jamal asks looking between us.

"What game?"

I sigh, knowing this can't be completely good.

"Never have I ever."

Sky looks at me and smirks, "I'm in."

"This doesn't sound like a good idea," I say and Jamal groans.

"Israel's in too."


The rules of game were simply, according to Mal. Someone says something they've never done before and if someone among us has done it, then they have to drink the little alcohol can wine. If only one person drinks, then he or she has to tell a story about it. Simple.


I should have known something like this would happen. I'm not going to go through this night without taking at least one sip of the drink. I've never drank alcohol before.

"Can't we do this with water?" I ask, shifting with uneasiness on the blanket we put on the ground.

Jamal groans, "Israel please don't be a bore."

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