Hint 7 - The Time Travelling Kid

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Hope waited around for Isaac and Gale to come around even when she had a feeling they wouldn't. Who would go to the movies for two nights straight?

But even when she thought that way, she hoped in her head that the two friends would come to watch something, anything. And even if Isaac wasn't going to come, Gale should.

Hope wanted to see Gale, to see her smile and then give her an eccentric hint about the movie she wanted to watch.

She sighed to herself as she looked at her phone for the time. It was past 12, which was way past the time when Isaac and Hope would show up.

Hope felt sad as she saw Carlos walk past her booth to go to the employee's room, for his break. She wanted to get off from work too, but she had half an hour more to be free.

Saturdays were surely slow in business since no one came to watch movies, even when it was crowd choice day at the cinema. Hope let out another sigh before she looked up in front of her booth, and was surprised by the girl standing there.


"Oh, Jesus!" Gale laughed as Hope held a hand over her heart with a nervous smile on her face. "Sorry for scaring you like that. You looked really sad." Hope shook her head as she smiled at the girl.

"I was just waiting for my break." Gale frowned before she looked at her watch. "Oh, it's that late right now." Hope nodded her head as she looked at Gale. She was happy to see the girl even if she had showed up later than usual.

"Your girlfriend isn't with you tonight?" Gale raised an eyebrow as Hope bowed her head in embarrassment just because of what she had blurted out all of a sudden and out of nowhere.

"Uh, she isn't my girlfriend, and I'm sure she won't be too." Hope looked up to see Gale as Gale finished her answer with a shrug of her shoulders. "I guess she doesn't like me talking in between the movie."

"Well, I liked talking with you in between the movie."

Gale turned a little red as she placed her hands in her pockets. "Yeah, but we don't know each other well, so we had to talk to not make things weird."

"I don't think things could be weird between us so easily."

Gale looked at Hope with a frown as she asked, "And why do you think that?"

Hope shrugged as she smiled, "Maybe because I like to listen to you talk, and if you ever shut up, I'd poke you with a stick until you start talking again."

There was a second before Gale burst out with laughter while Hope pushed a strand of hair behind her ear with a soft expression on her face.

"When do you get off, Hope?" It was the first time that Gale had said Hope's name as she stood a bit dumb founded by the question as well. "Uh, after half an hour."

Gale smiled as she looked at her wristwatch again. "I can wait till then." It was something she had said to herself as she turned around to leave the place without saying anything more to Hope, who looked at the girl's retreating back with a frown.

Hope was confused as to what had happened and why Gale had left without saying goodbye, and even without watching a movie. Wasn't she here to watch a movie?


Hope's long train of questions was answered just as she exited the cinema building from the back door. She just kept thinking about why Gale had left without a goodbye, and that was answered as soon as her eyes fell on a girl sitting on the hood of a silver Toyota.

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