Not a Hint 6 - The "Ordinary" Godzilla

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Hope raised an eyebrow in question as she saw Isaac standing in front of her with a friendly smile. "Hi."

"Hey." Hope greeted back as her eyes glanced towards the girl clinging to his arm, while holding a medium sized bucket of popcorn.

"Can we have two tickets for Godzilla?" Isaac smiled as he looked at Hope, who still looked at him with confusion. "Babe, can we watch something else, like The Notebook?" Hope's eyebrow raised as Isaac gave his girlfriend a shake of his head.

Hope took this as an opportunity to talk as she looked at the girl, "Uh, we only show requested movies on Saturdays."

The girl looked at Hope with a sad expression before she nodded her head. Hope silently went back to her work after that as she handed Isaac the tickets while she took the money from him.

She was still confused as to why he had been here at a Friday, and was everything okay between him and Gale.

"Uh, excuse me." Hope's train of thoughts was broken off as she looked at the next people in line. Fridays really were busy for the cinema since most kids and even adults had date nights then.

But as Hope began to work on autopilot, she recalled last Saturday night, when she and Gale had watched that weird movie about little dolls.

She had been so ready to watch the movie and form an opinion, but just from the opening scenes, they both began to talk. And they talked about everything and anything.

Gale asked personal questions, while Hope answered with interest, asking her own questions in between.

The two had long forgotten the movie as they had turned in their seats just so they were facing each other, even though it was uncomfortable sitting that way in those seats.

Hope smiled to herself as the person in front of her moved away with his ticket in hand. The next one behind him in the queue was someone that Hope had definitely not expected to meet on a Friday night.


"Hi." Hope frowned as her eyes immediately moved to the arm that was holding onto Gale's. "Hey, this is Veronica." Hope nodded her head as she was introduced to the girl next to the dark-haired girl. Gale smiled at Hope, as she shoved her hands in her pockets.

It was definitely good to see Hope on a Friday night, even though they didn't have much time to talk or even hang out.

"Are you both on a date?" Gale raised an eyebrow at Hope's straight forward question as Veronica herself looked taken aback. "Uh, yeah, Isaac set us up." Veronica had answered as she held tightly onto Gale's arm, since she sensed the way Hope was currently glancing between the two.

"We had this double date thing, so we went to eat dinner and then came to the movies." Gale continued on after Veronica as she gave Hope a small smile.

Hope nodded her head before she looked down at her computer. "So, two tickets to Godzilla then, huh?"

Gale frowned before she spoke in a discouraged tone, "Uh, I was hoping to give you a hint, but okay."

Hope didn't hear Gale as she printed out the tickets while Veronica looked at Gale with a frown. She had heard her date loud and clear, and was definitely not liking Hope at all.

Looking up at the couple, Hope handed them the tickets while Gale quickly found cash to pay the girl. "Enjoy your movie."

Gale could notice how made up Hope's smile was as Veronica nodded her head before dragging her date away from the ticket booth.

Hope watched them both leave as she felt a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Two tickets to Annabelle, Ms." Hope was brought back to the queue in front of her as she smiled at the customer before preparing the ticket for him.


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