Chapter Eleven: What to Do?

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Chapter Eleven


My eyes slowly opened, immediately seeing Luke still sleeping. I curled in closer to him and closed my eyes, feeling a bit nauseous. I started hoping if what I found out yesterday was just a dream.

Luke stirred for a bit before waking up. "You awake, Mel?" he asked softly.

"Yeah," I replied.

"How are you feeling?"

"........It wasn't a dream, was it?"

Luke sighed. "No, it wasn't. So how are you feeling?"

"A bit sick," I replied honestly as I sat up. "And starving."

"Well, you are eating for two now," Luke said, sitting up. "I'll make you some breakfast, okay?"

I nodded before we got out of bed. Luke gave me a hug before we walked out of my room. Everyone else was up, talking about something in the living room. They all stopped when they saw us. Matt got up from the couch and walked over to me. "Mel, I'm sorry about the things I said yesterday," Matt said. "I was just shocked and a little bit angry."

"It's fine," I said. "I don't blame you for caring."

Luke walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast, so Matt pulled me to the couch. "We've been talking," he said. "The thing is that I'm starting university soon so I won't be living at home anymore."

I frowned. I forgot all about that. "And?"

"Well, if you're planning on keeping the baby, we have to find out the living arrangements," Uncle Daryl said. "Have you decided what to do with the baby?"

I sighed. "Not yet. It's either going to be to keep it or put it through adoption."

"No abortion?" Matt asked.

I shook my head. "That one has been and will stay ruled out."

Someone knocked on the door, but instead of waiting for someome to answer, they walked in. And by they, I meant my aunts Celia and Jamie and my cousins Jasmine, Infinity, and Flynn. "We booked the first flight as soon as you told us to, Daryl," Aunt Celia said. "Is everything okay?"

Uncle Daryl sighed. "As someone once said, it depends how you look at it."

"Wise words," Crystal agreed, mostly because she was the one who said it.

"Go ahead, Melody," Matt said. "Tell them."

"Do I have to?" I asked, to which Matt nodded to. "Luke?!"

"Not this time, Melody!" Luke called from the kitchen. "I told my dad, my mom, and your uncle!"

I sighed and shook my head as Flynn bounced down beside me. "Come on, cuz. You can tell us."

"No, I really can't," I said, suddenly feeling more nauseous. "I don't feel so good......." I placed my hand over my mouth and ran to the bathroom, which was luckily close by. I got there just in time. Great.......Now the bathroom smelt like vomit.

I walked out of the bathroom, seeing sympathetic faces on my family. "Oh, Melody, do you have the flu?" Aunt Jamie asked.

I shook my head. "Uh, no......Not that."

"So why are we here exactly?" Infinity asked. "Not that I don't like being with my family, but still."

"Come on, Melody," Matt said. "Tell them."

Luke walked over to me with a glass of water. "Here," he said. "I know I said I won't tell them this time, but do you need me to?"

I nodded, but before Luke could say anything, Matt said, "No, I can do it. My dear family, what you just witnessed is an example of morning sickness. Melody is carrying a child inside of her."

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