Chapter Twenty-Three: Memories

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Chapter Twenty-Three


"Matt, pass the ball!" I said, holding out my hand.

Matt gave me a weird look. "Yeah right, Melody. You're blocked right now."

"No I'm not," I lied. "Dad, move out of the way!"

Dad laughed. "That's not how basketball works, my little moon."

"It is," I obected as I moved out of the way just as Matt passed the ball to me. I shot it to the hoop, but it bounced on the rim of the hoop and rolled onto the stree. "Aw man!"

"I'll get it," Mom announced.

"No, I will," Dad said, but Mom was already heading onto the street. Mom picked up the ball the same as Dad and suddenly, they got into a heated conversation.

"What do you think they're arguing about this time?" Matt asked.

I shrugged. "Maybe about the basketball tickets Dad bought recently."

"Sounds like it," Matt agreed as Mom said 'basketball' tickets.

I looked at my neighbor, who was playing basketball with his friends. We never talked seeing as I was completely invisible at school, but he seemed cool. Luke was the all-star and most popular boy at school, but he wasn't the stereotypical basketball captain. Sure, he was dating the head cheerleader, but his personality wasn't cocky or arrogant.

"Should we get them to stop?" Matt asked.

I was going to agree, but it was too late. A car came speeding out of nowhere.

I gasped and sat up straight. Just a nightmare about my past.

Luke stirred for a bit before laying on his side and opening his eyes. "You okay, Mel?" he asked.

I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah. Just........just a dream."

Luke, however, sat up and moved closer beside me. "Are you sure it was just a dream?"

I sighed. I only talked to Luke about my parents once before and it was vague details.

"It was my parents' death," I told him. "I dreamt about it, which never happened before. I just.......I just miss them so much."

Luke wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him. "I know you do."

"Why did they have to die?" I asked in a quiet voice. "They were everything to me. Mom was always there for me and we always painted together. Dad always called me his little moon because of my middle name being Luna."

Luke rubbed my shoulder. "What happened on that day?"

"I told you before," I said. "I don't want to repeat anything."

"Come on, Melody," Luke said. "You have to talk about it."

Suddenly, I thought about something I never did before. Luke was my neighbor during that time. I tried not to remember full details of that time because I didn't want to, but I do remember some people helping with my parents.

"I was your neighbor before, Luke," I told him. "You were playing basketball with some friends when my parents got hit."

Luke looked at me, confused. Then he said, "I saw it happen. I heard someone scream for their parents and I turned to see them get hit. I rushed over to them to help, but I didn't know what to do."

"My brother called the ambulance while I just stood to the side, crying because I didn't know what to do," I continued. "So you walked over to me and tried to calm me down."

"How could I not remember that?" Luke asked. "More importantly, how come we've never spoken afterwards? I was there for you when your parents died but not after. What kind of person am I?"

"Luke, you barely knew me," I told him. "Actually, you didn't even know me."

"So?" Luke asked. "I witnessed a girl lose her parents, and I did nothing. I could have seen how you were doing or at least get to know you."

"It was over a year ago," I told him. "And I'm tired."

Luke nodded and laid down. I curled into his side and held his hand. "Just promise me something, Mel," Luke said. "If you ever need to talk, just talk to me."

"I promise," I said.

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