Chapter 1 | Grimmauld Place

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Friday, August 25, 1995
(Your POV)
"Hey, (Y/N), can you help Hermione find her cat, dear?" Molly asks me while frying up some hash browns for breakfast. Yum. "The old cat's hiding again."

"Yes, ma'am." I get up to look under the tables and counters where Crookshanks may or may not be hiding. He isn't in the kitchen, so I leave and go to look somewhere else.

"He must not get involved!" I hear from the other room. I slow down my footsteps and cautiously stand outside the door, listening.

"This is dangerous. He is just a boy." I recognize McGonagall's voice and wonder vaguely how she got here.

"Minerva, please. He has the right. You know what all he's been through." This is Sirius Black.

Remus Lupin jumps in. "Both of you, keep it down." With that, they lower their voices and I can't hear them even if I strain. I frown, but continue my search for Crookshanks. Who were they talking about?

At first, when I heard Sirius Black was staying with the Order and my friends, I was shocked. Isn't he the hardened criminal who tried to kill Harry?

They had to explain everything to me, about how Sirius was framed and how he's actually Harry's godfather. He's sweet, actually. I wouldn't expect that from someone who's been in Azkaban for 12 years.

It makes sense, though. Hermione's gibberish when she was talking about him in the third task makes sense, too.

Speaking of Hermione, she finds me in the hallway, and she is chasing the cat. "Crookshanks, bad kitty! Ugh!" She goes after him when he runs in the kitchen.

I smile and let her be. Obviously, the cat is too hungry to care about hiding anymore. That's Crookshanks for you.

I decide to go change clothes. After all, it is in the middle of the day and I am still in my pajamas. Upstairs, they let me sleep with Hermione and Ginny.

They are both probably in the boys' room. I'll join them when I am done changing. For the day, I decide to put on some light-colored mom jeans and a maroon sweater that I could tuck in.

However, as I am snapping up my bra, the door swings opened and in comes Fred and George.

I swing around, in my bra and jeans, face red, and cover my chest with my arms. Oh my god. George immediately runs out, good for him, but Fred just stands there and smirks. "Fred, get out! I'm trying to get dressed!"

"You sure you don't need any help?" He barely gets it out of him before George pulls him out and shuts the door. I remind myself to thank George later.

I pull on my sweater, tuck it in and finish it off with my silver and gold necklace that Fred gave me last Christmas.

I go out of the room but not before applying makeup. Gotta look swell for the people around me.

I've been wearing a little bit of it every day. I've also grown some over the summer, and not just in height. My hips are starting to become more prominent and I've lost all my baby fat. I'm actually starting to look like a real woman.

As for Fred, he looks different, too. His hair isn't chin-length like before, and he is definitely taller than before.  He's lost his baby fat, too and is shaping up into a fine, young man.

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