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Claire says: I had a dream about a possessed army knife

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Claire: I tried to figure out what was wrong with it but then I accidentally dropped it and it just started skittering around the floor like one of those robot bug toys and it kept nipping at my ankles

Claire: Then an evil cat appeared and was trying to attack me

Claire: I should mention this dream all took place in my mum's house

Claire: I ran from it by going into my room but it kept forcing the door open and I kept shouting for my mom to help but she just acted like the cat wasn't a big deal

Claire: For some reason the cat just disappeared and I ended up having to pull apart the army knife because the little thing holding it together was spinning really fast in my hand and I didn't want it to give me friction burn

Claire: Then the dream ended

Belle: Oooooooookaaaay

Jon: Dream analysis 101:

Jon: Having read that, I can confirm that you are completely sane, 100% mentally stable, and have absolutely nothing to worry about

BeckyD: Is it weird that I forgot Claire had a mortal mother?

Jon: Yes

Claire: Not really. I don't really talk about her much.

Belle: Why? Demigod problems?

Claire: No, I love my mom. It's my step dad that's the problem >:(

Belle: Ah

Jon: Relatable.

BeckyD: I wish I had a mortal family :(

Claire: Are we not good enough?

BeckyD: That's not what I meant. Are there any adopted demigods?

Jon: Yeah, back in New Rome there's even an adoption centre. It's mainly for legacies, because quite often their demigod parents will die young, but occasionally a demigod whose mortal family died or didn't want them will go there to be adopted. 

Claire: That's so sweet :3

Leo: Wait, so if I was Roman I could get adopted?

Jon: They might take Greeks? Maybe you should get in contact and ask.

Leo: maybe I should

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