Chapter Nine

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FUN FACT: I believe Abraham Lincoln was really a vampire hunter.

The Circus of Shadow and Flame by CagedXEmotion

Jacqueline Rouge is a high school girl who lives a sheltered life. Her mother is overbearing, treats her like a child, and has become even more obsessed with her own social standing now that Jacq's dad has died. Maybe it was Jacq's sense of adventure, her mother pushing her over the edge, or maybe, it was her best friend Mary, but somehow, she decided to do what she wanted for once.

It leads her to a mystery that's stopped in town for the week: The Circus of Shadow and Flame. No one who had ever seen the outside of the tent knows what's inside the mysterious tent, and when posters appear in town, advertising its opening, the whole town seems curious.

And so, sneaking away from her mother on a particularly bad evening, Mary leads her to The Circus.

The world that unfolds before her is both magical and unknown, and will change her life forever. Just like it changed the lives of every other person whose seen this tent.

Through His Eyes by foreverisinfinity

Have you ever wondered what life is really about? I mean, your whole life your parents tell you what's right and what's wrong and then suddenly you do something or meet someone that makes your whole life turn upside down and that's when you realize that just because your parents said it's wrong, it doesn't mean it's wrong. People have different ideologies and morals and just because it's different, doesn't make it any less right.

That's what Blake did to me. He changed me. And just because he was different, didn't make him any less right.

Wolfed. by Karnation

After the eerie death of her mother, Kaylen McLeod moves to a small town with little knowing that this town has had its history of wolves. With the intention of starting new Kaylen sets out with an entirely different perspective on life. In this novel Kaylen learns abundance in the most difficult of situations, she regains confidence and enables herself to become a stronger person then she was before. She allows herself to become more at ease as she starts meeting new people and befriending fellow townspeople. She comes across interesting characters one of whom catches her eye; Dex Reynolds. Dex Reynolds is the brooding senior who in most ways creeps Kaylen out. His decieving demeanor intrigues Kaylen but not long enough to say that she's interested in him.

Caged by Sandy1Emerson1

She had always felt caged by her differences. All that changed when the cage became real.

It was fifty years after the great plague of 2015 had wiped out most of the human race. Out from the ashes came a new breed amongst the human race, a breed known as the Kestralites. Winged humans with enormous healing and psychic powers.

Eighteen-year- old Brennan Wystmere has always known her duty as a Kestralite was to protect the city of Los Olvidados -the city of the Forgotten Ones. It was one she had taken seriously, even though she hated what she was. But all that changed the day she was betrayed by her own leader and sold at an auction to Outer Worlders, people she had always known as tricksters and deceivers and that her people had avoided for years.

Refusing to remain a slave, Brennan fights against her new owner. How could she do otherwise when her city was at risk to a traitor? The same traitor that had arranged for her to be sold into slavery. A traitor that could not be allowed to rule. And one that her family and friends were in danger from.

She had to protect them. Her honor demanded it.

But an even greater challenge faces her when she realizes that Knox Mathieson, her new master, is playing a dangerous game. Even as she fights for freedom, she gets to know the man behind the master and suddenly the will to escape becomes less.

But how does she weigh up honor against the feelings that were welling up in her? Feelings she was too afraid to put a name to.

Running With You by krzyreadr18

Maleena is just like other girls with family issues, she is kind of tomboy with a great sarcastic- smart-ass attitude but with a really good heart. When her father is murdered everything gets complicated. Isabel, her mother, forced her and Leah, her sister, to leave San Francisco to a completely different place, Oak Ridge becomes their "home", but Maleena had no idea that she was running to her destiny. Every real-world belief will be questioned. Every emotional and physical feeling she had never experienced with someone will be awake when she collides with Ian, Collin and Benjamin. This is a typical story of a dramatic family but when the supernatural world collides with that their lives will be upside-down without choice of running away.


(A/N:  Another upload just like I promised!  This chapter is basically for undiscovered books that I think are very good. You should read them. If you don't, I won't share any of my skittles with you! Also a big thank you to all my readers, new or old. )


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