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Alora's awake but she had no urge to get up from her bed, her eyes were swelled from too much crying last night. She heard a sneaky voice behind the door and she's listening to Cali who's talking to someone over his phone.


I don't know if she's awake already. / She hasn't been out of her room. / I don't think she's been eating. / Though I prepared some food but I don't think she'll eat it, she doesn't like my food. / And yes, it's her birthday today, what should I do?

Cali tried to sneak inside by slowly pushing the door but Alora knows he's trying to sneak inside. He saw that she was covered in her blanket, think that she was still asleep but then she move and he immediately closed the door. Alora removes the blanket from her and stares at the ceiling. She's a mess right now.

Later before noon, Alora was still in her bed. She received a message from Christian.

CHRISTIAN: There's a newly open skating rink on the downtown, would you like to go?

ALORA: Don't you have to review for your exam?

CHRISTIAN: No, don't worry about it.

ALORA: And would it be nice if you go with your friends?


ALORA: It's your last year together in high school. Have some fun with them, you might never see them again. Senior is the best and saddest year in high school.

CHRISTIAN: But I still want to be with you.

ALORA: I can't go out. I'm sick.

CHRISTIAN: Okay. Do you need anything?

ALORA: No, thank you. I'll be fine.

A moment later, Cali went inside her room and he saw her awake and then he started singing happy birthday holding a tray on his hands—a mini cupcake and a lunch for Alora. Though Alora doesn't seem interested to celebrate anything.


Well, because it is your special day! / I ordered some perfect lunch for you and a leftover cupcake. / And to show you that I care about you and I'm sorry if I'm eating all of your foods in the ref. / It's my way of saying sorry.


I'm not hungry.


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