"I Hate You"

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Corrupted Nightmare= Corruption
Normal Nightmare= Nightmare
Shattered Dream= Shattered
Normal Dream= Dream
Corruption: I don't f***ing care about you all

Shattered: Then we are not brothers anymore! Don't expect him back! I will protect Dream because from now on, I'm his NEW BROTHER. I will never let you touch or even speak to him! Consider us now strangers, not brothers! You devil don't deserve to be Angel Dream's brother!

Dream: Umm... Shattered, I think that you're being a little bit of over protective of me.

Shattered: I felt real pity for you, Dream. Look at yourself, bleeding too much. You sacrifice yourself try to show Nightmare that you do care about him. But he just hurt you!

Nightmare: I'm right here, you know

*Shattered glanced at Nightmare making Nightmare scared a bit*

Shattered: Tell your 'evil partner' to NEVER EVER touch Dream or I would burn him alive.

Dream:..... It's my fault that Corruption hated me. I deserve it.

Corruption: Like you would! If you kill me, that's mean you killed Dream's brother. And what would he think of that, HUH?!

Shattered: Then kill me! You hate Dream and tried to kill him. Then try to kill us both. Here's your chance to do some.

*Shattered summons his and Dream's soul letting Corruption to hit it.*

Corruption: Oh my pleasure.

*Corruption took out a saw and ready to strike.*

Nightmare: Wait WHAT?! Corruption, don't do it. He's our brother for god's sake!

*Nightmare tried to hold Corruption and it worked. *

Corruption: Oh come on! Let me go! This is our chance! Don't waste it!

Nightmare: Have mercy for my brother for once! Dream, ran!

Dream:..... I think I deserve it, tho.

Nightmare: Oh for the love of God! Shattered, Dream, why can't you two just ran while you have the chance! Look I can't hold him forever, you know!

Shattered: He want to kill. Then so be it!

Nightmare: Just ran for god's sake!

Shattered:......... NO.......

Corruption: Let! Me! Go! Nightmare!

[And the whole day is about Nightmare advising Dream/Shattered to run away but they refused while Corruption tried to kill them. Don't worry, no one was killed. Ink and Blue saved the day from any violence. You could add some roleplay on the comments to make more funny randomness stories]

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