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Des: Basically, Link is a boy who has brothers. And their names? Link. Which Link am I talking about? I don't know, they're all Link.

There are five of them. Each with different ages, different looks, and different personalities. But funny thing, they all have the same name. Link. Of course, it makes things harder, who names their kids Link anyway, and all five of them!

The oldest is, well, Link. But he's better known as Sky. Why, you ask? He likes to stare at the sky. As simple as that. He likes to make wood carvings, which is pretty artistic. Oh and also, he falls asleep easily. Why not just call him Sleepyhead, then? Well don't ask me! Maybe because it sounds longer than Sky? I dunno.

Sky is an 18 year old boy, but he acts more childish than his brothers. He has slightly long light brown hair, parted to the right side of his face. Medium height, more on the short side. But what can I say, all the Links are kinda short. And one of their other trademark is their striking blue eyes. Their eyes seem to glow in the darkness, casting an ethereal glow. But to be honest here, it's sort of a bad thing if they want to sneak in the dark. They might get caught immediately...

The second oldest is called Time. He's the most mature one, even though Sky is the oldest. Time plays the ocarina. He doesn't like to waste time, and you guessed it, that's why his nickname is Time. He also likes to collect various masks. His favorite drink is, apparently, milk. He'd chug down a bottle in a few seconds, believe me or not.

He has blonde hair, the color of a fresh lemon, to be exact. His bangs are parted in the middle, making it look like a half opened curtain. He wears blue hoop earrings, like three of his brothers. And he has a twin.

Twilight, Twi for short, looks nothing like Time even though they're twins. His hair is dirty blonde, slightly brown-ish. He smiles more than Time, and his face looks slightly sharper. And, even though he's still 17, he has abs. He has a DAMN washing board strapped to his stomach.

He's a kind boy who's good with kids, he takes care of his brothers, he enjoys spending his time outdoors, he's good with animals, and his favorite time of day is the dusk, earning his nickname Twilight. And yes, he loves to drink milk, just like Time. They can actually have a milk drinking contest someday.

The next child, Wild, is a 16 year old. What were their parents doing anyway, producing children every year? Anyways, he's kinda cute, being the most different one from all his brothers. His caramel brown hair is longer than the others, his trademark bright blue eyes look softer than the rest, and he's the fattest of them all. Not really fat, he's actually quite fit, but he's the chubbiest of the Links. Plus, he's so short.

His body bears a lot of scars, mostly because of his experience in the wild. And DAMN HE IS WILD. Animals run when they encounter him, he set the forest on fire, nearly died because of shield-surfing, got knocked unconscious because he got hit by boulders, tries to find all the korok seeds that exist in the world, tried to tame the Lord of the Mountain but fails miserably, you name it all. And that's why he's called Wild. But he can be childish at times, so, ah well.

Then there's the last child, Toon. Got the nickname because he looks... toony. He's shorter than the others, but it's definitely because he's way younger than them. He's a 10 year old after all. His hair as blond as Time, his eyes darker than the others but still have the blue glow on them. And he's the one with most expressions. The others usually look calm, intimidating, silent, or anything, really, yet Toon is a smiley boy, or an angry boy, or a sad boy, and all the expressions you can name. Even sometimes he can look memey. And he's really adorable when he smiles, it's enough to melt a frozen heart.

The Links also have a family dog. And the name? Wolf Link. Wolf for short. Yeah yeah, what's with all the Links anyway? Back to topic, even though he's considered a dog, he's actually a wolf. He's a real cutie, though. But he's really vicious to strangers, and even to the family. The only people who can really get to know him are Twi and, surprisingly, Wild. You'd think he hates Wild, all the other animals do, but noooo, he loves the boy.

Speaking of animals, the Links have a common fear of a certain animal: cuccos. Cuccos are normally harmless creatures, but for the Links, they are living nightmares. They'd chase down and start pecking them if even one of them is close enough for no reason. Or maybe that's because they've attacked them in the past. The Links have playful sides after all.

Another thing about them, they like playing video games. What game? The Legend of Zelda. But all the different games, of course. They have some Nintendo consoles too. Yes, they're freaks. But not really ahah.

And for some reason, all the Links are popular with girls. Sigh, what can I say... they have good looks after all.

Lastly, the Links are friends with a girl. Her name is Zelda. Zelda is your average nice neighbour. She's a pretty eighteen year old, with medium length blond hair and blue eyes. She's very nice, but her naiveté can be creepy sometimes. Also, she takes care of the Links. She's such a sweet person, really.

Well, with all of that aside, let's just get into chapter one :D

**✿❀ ❀✿**

So that's the introduction. I was trying a new style of writing, so the next ones should be normal, instead of me talking with the readers. Also I should mention, this is a modern AU with a little bit of the game elements. I had to change their ages a bit, and I'm sorry if it turns out horribly.

It's said that Sky is 17 and a half, but supposedly he's the oldest in the game and in the timeline too so I made him 18.

I don't want to mess up Time and Twi's ages and so on, so I made them twins. I honestly don't really want to, but it's the only way they can be the same age, I guess.

Wild is just an adorable little cinnamon roll behind his stoic mask so yee, I made him younger. I don't feel like making triplets obviously.

I decided that Toon has to be 10 years old, because I want to make this 'pretty major age gap' feel. If he's 12 then the age difference isn't really significant so there you go.

As for the Zelda, she's the Skyward Sword Zel as I see it, but you can imagine her as any other Zelda if you want to!

Oh, and some things might be pretty inconsistent as the chapters go. To be honest I'm just making this intro for a better grasp at the situation.

So that's all for this long author's note, proceed on chapter 1!

(984 words, not counting author's note)

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