Chapter 9

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He circled me, his gaze locked on mine. I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to get that look out of my mind. That same exact look was on Nathan's wolf's face right before he pounced on me in the nightmare. I kept my eyes closed when I heard shifting.

"Shift." I heard his voice. I opened my eyes to see a blonde hair green eyed very tall man. He was wearing black shorts and a white t-shirt. I shook my head no and started to walk backwards low to the ground. "I know you're not a rogue. But you have a faint scent of a pack. Shift back so I can help." He explained. Yet again I shook my head and walked back more. "Shift back!" He said forcefully.

I whimpered but finally complied. I quickly slipped on the clothes, hoping he didn't see all my scars. His hard gaze landed on me and I made myself as small as possible.

"Who are you?" He asked forcefully.

"I-I'm nobody." I whispered. His head tilted to the side a little.

"Did you get kicked out of your pack?" I shook my head. "Did you run away?" I didn't answer but backed away a few steps. His hard stare made me flinch and freeze. "How did you get all those scars?" My eyes widened and I whimpered, backing into a tree and making myself really small.

He rushed over to my side and lowered himself down to my level, everything mean and rough about him vanished.

"Hey, shhhh, I'm sorry." He said, reminding me of those same words Nathan used. My world started to spin and it felt like everything was falling in on me. My ears began to ring, everything was too bright and loud. My breathing quickened as I covered my ears with my hands, trying to silence the ring. The pain in my chest was unbearable. It was screaming and burning for Nathan.

I thought I heard someone's voice but I couldn't make out words. I felt a hand on my arm and I flinched away, stood up and stumbled a few steps before falling. I tensed and waited for the impact but instead felt 2 strong arms catching me.

I just squeezed my eyes shut to try to block everything out. Wind whipped over my body as the man ran with werewolf speed somewhere. Slowly everything became black and I slept.

Instead of slowly waking up like all the other times, I shot awake jumping into a sitting position. Instantly the man from before was next to me and a new person was there, he was dressed like Daniel was.

"Hey shhhh it's ok." The man said. "How are you feeling?" I slowly calmed down. I was in a hospital room on a soft bed. "Does something hurt?" I was silent.

"Please, we just want to help you. Who is your alpha? I can call him if you want." The guy asked. My eyes widened and I shook my head. "Why not?"

"Did he hurt you?"

Yes and no... He hurt me but it was a nightmare. I can't let him hurt me.

I just shook my head no.

"Can you speak?" The doctor asked. I nodded my head. "What is your name?"


"Well Bailey, my name is Logan. I am the Alpha of the Dark Eclipse Pack. And this is Neal, the head pack doctor. What pack are you from? You have a pack scent but it isn't strong enough to pick up." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know what they are called."

"Do you have a mate?" I whimpered and nodded my head. "Who?"

"Nathan." Their eyes widened.

"Alpha Nathan of the SunriseWarriors?" Logan asked, I nodded my head.

SunriseWarriors, that's what is was!

They both gasped.

"He has been looking for his mate for years! Congratulations!" Neal smiled but Logan froze and was looking at me curiously.

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