Chapter 25- Winter Ball

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I looked at my alarm clock on the nightstand. It's 5:30 in the evening. I'm just in front of my dresser's mirror, fixing my bow tie. I'm wearing a light blue tuxedo that Alice picked for me. I still couldn't believe that I'm going to the Winter Ball with Bella. I'm very glad and definitely excited.

After I've finished fixing my bow tie, I went out of my room and went downstairs. Esme is at the bottom of the stairs with Carlisle.

"Oh, my little boy had grown up into such a handsome man." My mother squealed while giving me a hug the moment I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome. If only we can do something about your hair, it's always so messy." She said while patting my hair, trying to tame it.

"Mom, my hair is always like this since I was born."

"Oh, I know. You were such a cute baby boy back then and now, you're all grown-up. You... going to school dances, finish high school, finish college, have a successful job, date girls, have girlfriends, find true love, get married, have kids then I'll be old by then but I'll have grandchildren..."

"Mom, hold up... you're way too advance. I'm just going to the dance."

"Pardon me and your mother, Edward. We just couldn't believe that you and Alice are young adults now. It felt like a year ago, you were only kids." My dad joined in. Parents... you'll never understand them until you become one.

I said my goodbyes to my parents and I told them that I have to fetch Bella now. They took some pictures of me and some more with them first before they let me go. I left the mansion. I got in my car and drove off to Bella's house.

While I was driving, I still couldn't believe that I'm really going to the dance with Bella as my date. This could be the start of something... something more between me and Bella. Maybe I could make my move tonight. I could tell Bella what I really feel about her. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

I just arrived in front of Bella's house. I got out of my car and walked across the lawn. Then I knocked on the door. A few minutes later, the door opened and there stood Charlie. He looked sternly at me. Oh, snap...

"Uh... good evening Chief Swan." I began. God, why am I nervous?

"Good evening Edward. Bella is still upstairs. Come in." Charlie gave way for me to enter. I walked into the house towards the living room. Charlie motioned me to sit on the couch while he sat in the recliner. We both remained silent at first and then...

"So Edward, let's just get straight to the point, are you dating my daughter?" Charlie began. Now I'm really nervous. That was really straight to the point.

"Besides this dance, no, sir. We're not dating... yet." Was my reply.

"Why not?" Chief Swan asked. I feel like I am a criminal and Chief Swan is interrogating me.

"I'm still waiting for the right time to ask Bella."

"I see... well, thank you then for being honest and understanding and also being there for Bella when she needed a friend when you know... the thing with Jacob..." Charlie is thanking me... I didn't expect that.

"You're welcome, Charlie. I will always be around with Bella until she orders me away." I replied sincerely.

"It's good to hear that. Well... that's it for now. I guess Bella will be down soon."

As if on cue, we heard footstep coming down the stairs. Charlie and I both stood up and walked to the stairs. Bella is halfway down the stairs. Bella is wearing a blue and white dress just a little above her knee and some blue flats.

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