Chapter 6- I Know Her

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I was with the girl in my dreams in the meadow. She was wrapped around my arms with her back facing me. Then the clouds appeared covering the sun. She turned her face towards me and for the first time, I was able to see her face. She has thin eyebrows, a perfectly arched nose, pinkish cheeks and her eyes... it was chocolate brown, I just got lost in her eyes just by staring at them. They were like pools of melted chocolate. She flashed a smile at me. I leaned towards her until our noses touched. Then I reached for her lips with mine. When our lips touched, I felt my heart fluttered as if it was going to explode. But before we could pull away the vision brightened and soon turned completely white...


I opened my eyes and it took a while for them to adjust. It was sunrise. I want to sleep for a few more minutes but I can't. When I remembered her face, I can't help but think that I have seen her before. I rose up and looked at my bookshelves for something to read. Then, I remembered that Alice bought me a book the other day. It was still in my cabinet wrapped with a black gift wrapper with a card saying "Good Luck on Your First Day of School". I went to the cabinet and took out the gift. I removed the wrapper. It was definitely a book. I searched for the title it was called "Wuthering Heights". Why does that title seem familiar? Then it hit me like lightning.

The girl who was reading a book entitled "Wuthering Heights" who I bumped onto in a bookstore in Seattle, on the same day as I moved to Forks and a week before I started dreaming about the girl in the meadow. The girl in the bookstore was the girl in the meadow, the girl in my dreams. Oh God! I can't believe it. She's real! She actually exists and in the same state as I am. She's not a figment of my imagination. I just have to go to Seattle. But if I go there, how will I find her? I don't even know her name or if she does even live there? What if she's just a tourist or someone who was just passing through? The Seattle's airport isn't far from there. Ugh, but I really want to see her again.

What? Edward Cullen, are you hearing yourself? Are you really going to find that girl?

Well only I know the answer to that and it's a definite yes! Maybe we'll meet again sometime in the future. I started reading the book. I was so inspired by reading it that soon my alarm clock rang. It was 6 am. I placed a bookmark on the page I last read before closing it and putting it way in my school bag. I went to the bathroom to prepare. When I was done, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. After that, I said goodbye to my parents and left with Alice. We took my Volvo since Alice wasn't in the mood to drive.

When I parked my car in my now usual parking space, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper are already there talking by Rose's Ferrari. Alice and I joined them and soon they started talking in pairs, Alice and Jasper and Rose and Emmett, leaving me with no one to talk to. The Odd one out, I guess. So I just brought out my "Wuthering Heights" book and started reading. I was so focused on the book I didn't notice someone walked towards me and greeted me.

"Hi Edward!" said the voice I dreaded to hear again.

"Hello, Tanya," I said weakly without taking my eyes off the book. Can't she just leave me alone? Then everybody noticed her.

"Tanya, what are you doing here?" Rose said with a sneer.

"Dear cousin Rosalie, I am just having a chat with Edward," Tanya said.

"How could you two be chatting if Edward is so busy with that book." Emmett butts in.

Before Tanya could speak, Rose gasped.

"Oh my God, please tell that car is not there," Rose spoke. Then I looked up to see a black Mercedes Benz.

"Sorry, babe but it's really there," Emmett said. Rose groaned.

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