Chapter 1207-1211

Start from the beginning

If Great Qin's Legatee personally acted, he would not be a match for him at all; he clearly knew this. Right now, he and Great Qin's Legatee were on completely different levels.

Everyone now started to discuss the matter at hand.

"What should we do? At this rate, Great Qin is going to completely destroy the Fish Scale world. If we had known things would turn out like this, we wouldn't have signed that peace treaty with Great Qin and allowed them to unify the human world."

"That's right! Who would have thought that Great Qin would unify the human world so quickly and obtain such powerful strength. We should have risked everything to destroy Great Qin back then; if that were the case, we wouldn't be in this situation."

"The Fish Scale world might be doomed; the eight Aquatic Beast Kings is herding together all of the aquatic beasts for a final charge, and we only have three billion soldiers left; how can we stop them?"

"We can only increase our armies; even though not all soldiers will have Stage 1 strength, it's better than nothing."

"Now I really regret drawing those eight Aquatic Beast Kings into the human world. Not only did we not conquer the human world, but the eight Aquatic Beast Kings were also subdued by Great Qin and became its weapons to attack our Fish Scale world. If we had subdued the eight Aquatic Beast Kings, that would have been the best."

"Ai! Now that things have come to this, there's no use in regretting it. Hurry and tell the outside worlds to madly attack Great Qin and stall their forces; only then will we have a trace of hope. We can't just sit here and wait to die."

The meeting only concluded after half a day, and the countless faction leaders immediately went back to increasing their forces. They told everyone else about the dire circumstances; only by desperately defending would they avoid being destroyed.

Now that all of the factions were saying this, the ordinary Fish Scale people felt utter despair and did not feel any hope at all.

The three Continents went into full defensive mode and continuously reinforced their defenses while increasing their forces. Most of the people's militia that they recruited had about Stage 0-7 to 0-8 Cultivation, and there were about 1.2 billion of them, which somewhat increased the three Continents' defenses.

The news from the Fish Scale world caused the outside worlds to feel quite startled; if Great Qin conquered the Fish Scale world, Great Qin would control two worlds. Great Qin's strength would greatly rise, and their situation would become even more dire.

They did not hesitate to come to an agreement. They could not allow Great Qin to conquer the Fish Scale world, and they had to stop them.

The three worlds continued to gather their forces and prepared to tie down Great Qin's army, making it impossible for Great Qin to attack the Fish Scale world.

The Devil Horn Empire's Yao Ming now felt a massive threat from Great Qin. His premonition had been correct - Great Qin was the Devil Horn Empire's greatest enemy, and now he regretted not attacking Great Qin earlier.

The Dark Demon world also received this news, and they gathered their forces and prepared to attack Great Qin. They could not allow Great Qin to conquer the Fish Scale world, or else all of the surrounding worlds would be doomed.

The movements of the surrounding worlds caused a massive austere aura to gather. The air became much heavier, and the surrounding worlds felt that another large battle was coming, and they paid great attention to this.

At the same time, Zhao Fu heard about this and his expression became quite serious, as this could not be taken lightly. Zhao Fu also felt a large amount of pressure.

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