Chapter One

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Percy's P.O.V.

Annabeth and I sit on the beach at Camp Half-Blood. The sun is shining, and the waves lap the shore with a relaxing tone.

Sitting on the beach is one of my favorite things to do. It kinds comes with being a son of Poseidon and all that.

The rest of my friends were coming later, and we are going to spend the day hanging out together. 

Tomorrow is my birthday and the two year anniversary of Annabeth and my's dating.

I can't believe it's been two years. It seem like only yesterday that we were being thrown into the lake by the other campers.

I reach my hand into the pocket of my blue hoodie.

Annabeth doesn't know it yet, but inside of my pocket is a very special ring. Today, I'm going to propose to my beautiful Wise Girl.

"Hey, Annabeth."

"Yeah Percy?"

"So-" I don't know why I'm so nervous to propose to the smartest person I now.

We have been friends and more than friends for at least six years now.

This should be a breeze. But, it's harder than it seems.

I've defeated Kronos, and killed countless monsters. But, I'm afraid the propose to the women of my dreams.

Gosh Percy. What is wrong with you?

"Annabeth." I swallowed my fear and continued.

"I love you more than anything in this world. You have made me the happiest person alive."

I sighed. I can't imagine my life without Annabeth. She is the most beautiful, smart, and wonderful women on Earth.

As I dropped down into one knee Annabeth looked at me weirdly. Then, I pulled a small box out of my hand.

"So, Annabeth Chase. Will you marry me?"

Annabeth's hands flew up to her mouth and tears formed in her eyes.

Was it something I said?

"Yes! Yes Percy! Yes!"

Annabeth flew into my arms and we kissed passionately.

"And no Percy. You didn't say anything wrong."

Oops. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did Seaweed Brain."

Oh my gods! Why do I keep doing that?

The ring slips onto my Wise Girl's finger and I pick her up, bridal style.

"Perseus Jackson! Put me down this instant!" I smirk as we come toward the water.

We can probably guess what I did next.

I jumped into the water, with Annabeth in my arms.

An air bubble, courtesy of yours truly, formed around us.

I pulled Annabeth in, and I was pretty much the second best-

Scratch that. It was definitely the best underwater kiss of all time.

*Time Skip*

I brush my hand over the warm sand. The beach is beautiful. Especially this time of year.

But hey. I'm a son of Poseidon. To me, the beach is always beautiful. Even in the winter.

I look down at Annabeth's hands that rest on the sand next to mind. The gorgeous ring shimmers brightly when the sun reflects off it.

A Double Life: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now