Kyoka remembered what else happened 4 years ago, which was the disappearance of her brother.

"What?" Kyoka asked, wanting him to elaborate.

"I suppose this would be a relatively..good time for me to introduce who I am. You see, I am an agent for the Central Intelligence Agency. For simplicity's sake, you can call me Agent Tim," he said, raising a badge to them for a split second then putting it back. They felt somewhat more comfortable with this man at first, at least knowing that he was with the government. But at the same time, that might also be a bad thing. 

"About 4 years ago, our databases picked up a rather strange anomaly whose epicenter was located right here, in this exact spot, in this very factory. Specifically, we picked up extreme amounts of what we believed was nuclear energy." the agent continued.

"Whoa." Kaminari said.

"Our first thought was that some nut job was creating a nuclear reactor in this abandoned factory. We had seen something like that before. But after we sent agents to inspect the area, we found that it was something far more powerful than nuclear energy. It was immeasurable. Something no one had ever seen before." the agent added.

"Okay, all of that is cool and all, but what exactly does my brother have to do with all of this?" Jirou asked, eager to skip ahead in the story, and you really couldn't blame her.

"When we searched the area, we found no nuclear reactor. We were puzzled. We did however, find a young boy living in this factory by himself. He was severely malnourished, and his clothes were ripped and torn. He looked like he had been out in the wild for a few days. At first, we were going to follow typical procedures of a missing child and return him to his parents. However, we discovered something that prevented that from happening." the agent said.

"Like what?" Kyoka asked, stepping forward. The agent took a deep breath looking like he was about to explain some serious shit.

"Kenji is not an ordinary boy, not by any means. It may be difficult for you to understand, it was for us at first, but Kenji has.. supernatural powers. Something that quite frankly, has never been seen before on this Earth." the agent said.

"What the fuck? Supernatural powers? No way!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Supernatural how?" Kyoka asked.

"Well, when we tried to help him, he appeared unable to control his 'powers'. Kenji was constantly producing these..projectiles of highly concentrated energy, seemingly at random. Fortunately, nobody was seriously hurt by these, but fearing for the safety of the general public, we had to place him in a sort of.. quarantine. At least until we could learn more about his powers and his condition." the agent said. 

The agent pulled out an envelope from his suit, opening it up and reaching for a paper clip. He gathered several printed images and handed them to the two, showing that he was indeed telling them the truth. The images showed Kenji, in his malnourished and weakened state with a bright blue orb of energy next to him. He looked scared in these images, as though he didn't trust anyone around him. Several scientists can be seen in the background of the image.

"I.. I don't believe it..he.. never showed any signs of being capable of doing anything like that!" Kyoka said, amazed at looking at the pictures. She began to cry, since these were the most recent photos of Kenji that she had seen, and she was very puzzled. Kaminari put an arm around her to try to comfort her.

"Shortly after we discovered Kenji, another case of a child with supernatural powers was uncovered in a different part of the world. Then another, followed by another. It appears that your brother was among one of the first of these, well, superhumans. I don't know what else to call them." the agent said.

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