Three Years Later

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A large thank you to everyone who have read both stories! This is the past chapter but I have considered doing a fanfic on their child. Thought? Please comment on what you Think of that. Big thanks again!

Three years later

Melody's P.O.V

I sat in the hospital bed, standing next to me was my husband smiling down at our beautiful new born. He gripped his finger in his tiny hand whilst his big blue eyes stared up at us,

"He's got a strong grip." Steve said, I smiled.

"He's prefect." I replied, just then Bruce and Tony came into the room. Tony held a large build a bear with an Iron Man costume on whilst Bruce held a retangular parcel,

"Hey. We heard it was a boy." grinned Tony as he walked over, he placed the teddy on the chair near my bed then stood next to Steve. Bruce handed Steve the parcel.

"A little something for the little guy." I watched Steve unwrap it to reveal a book,

"Its a children's book about us. The whole team." he explained,

"The avengers on a Sunday." Steve read out the title.

"Thank you guys there lovely." I told them,

"So what is the little guy's name?" Asked Tony, I looked up at Steve.

"Mason James Rogers." I told them,

"Named after two people who knew us before we became well... Us." explained Steve,

"Hold up....who's James?" asked Tony,

"My best friend Bucky's actual name." he explained,

"It's a great name." added Bruce, I smiled down at little Mason in my arms.

"if he is like us then I hope he has his fathers powers." I thought aloud,

"I'd hope he'd have your powers." replied Steve, we both laughed and so did Mason.

"Should we ask them just now?" asked Steve, I nodded.

"Ask us what?" asked Tony and Bruce in unison,

"We were hoping that you both would be Mason's god fathers." Steve told them, they both raised an eyebrow.

"But aren't you normally meant to have a god father and mother?" Bruce asked,

"You were my man of honour at our wedding Bruce and we are superheroes we're not exactly normal." I joked, they both smiled.

"Well I'm in." answered Tony,

"So am I."

"Thanks guys." I looked down and saw Mason had fallen asleep in my arms.

"So when your parents coming?" asked Steve,

"In an hour." when we went on our trip to London what I didn't know was that Steve had planned us to meet with my parents, I didn't want to talk to them at first but then they showed me a large photo album that had any newspaper clipping to do with the Red Thistle in it from since I became her. Our relationship is still patchy but we're all trying hard. They moved to New York last year when they heard I was pregnant so they can help with the baby when Steve and I are needed to save the earth.

No matter what though Steve and I have decided that if we are needed on Mason's important moments we are you going to be there for him. He is our son. We will stand by him.

We are a family and I couldn't be happier.

A Shapshifting love ( Sequel to The Red Thistle)Where stories live. Discover now