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Steve's P.O.V

Thor wouldn't be back till early afternoon the next day, I sat by her bed and watch as she slept. She may have only been like this for two days but they think that if Loki doesn't come tomorrow then she'll won't make the day after. She is almost a skeleton of her old self, I wept silent tears as I thought about life without her. This always happens, just as I find love it gets ripped away from me. I quickly dried my tears I placed my brave face back on. I have to be strong for her, no matter what. Natasha came through, this the first time she has visited. She didn't say anything but just stared at her, her heart rate had dropped a small amount during the day but was still breathing independently.

"I never wanted this to happen Steve." She began, I turned round to her.

"what do you mean?" she sighed and sat down.

"When her application first came in two years ago. I was the one who made the report about her and got it approved. I thought having another girl on the team would be good but I guess my intentions were wrong." she explained,

"Natasha. Nobody though two years ago we'd be in this mess. There was no way for you to tell." I comforted,

"If I had declined it. What do you think would of happened?" she asked,

"We would either be dead or under Loki's rein." I answered,

"I would gladly like to be dead than under his rein." she answered,

"Always the fighter Natasha."

"We all are." She answered, we sat in silence for some time till my eye lids shut. I awoke to the sound of movement, it was her nurse. She was changing the drips.

"Captain Rogers I think it's best you go back to your room for sleep." she suggested,

"No thank you ma'am. I'd rather stay and watch her." she patted my shoulder lightly,

"I know your worry about what would happen if you left but she is in safe hands." with that she left, there was so much irony in her sentence. We had promised Inspector Johnstone we'd protect her yet we broke it within the year. I looked up at the clock.10am. Won't be long now, her breathing was getting worse. She tried to shape shift to look like her old self but she was too weak to keep it for long. The entire team sat with her as we waited for Thor to arrive, Melody had tried to stay awake but she drifted back off at around 2 in the afternoon. I paced back and forth as we waited, when three o'clock came around we saw Thor come with a tight grip of his brother's shoulder. Loki. As they entered we all stood up,

"Ah the avengers." he began, Tony and Bruce gave him dark looks.

"So it looks like daddy allowed you to come." mocked Natasha,

"Odin is not my father." snapped Loki, I saw a small look of pain in Thor's eyes as Loki said this.

"Hey. Just let him sort Mel before we backlash each other." Clint told us, I walked over to where Melody lay. I gently nudged her shoulder with my gloved hand,

"Melody. He's here." She didn't wake up, I shook her again. Still no response,

"She's not waking up!" I panicked, Loki walked over.

"Where did the curse first touch her skin?" he asked,

"Her hands! I saw her stab Mason." Bruce answered,

"I guess it's best you stand back Captain."Loki said coldly, I turned to him.

"If you hurt her in any way......" I began,

"If I wanted to hurt her then I wouldn't of come." he snapped, I stood back. We all watched as his skin turned blue, a blue mist began to form around his hands. He lent over and held Melody's fragile hands in his. We watched as almost a pulse of Ice blue was sent through her body, her heart rate dropped. The panicking beeps started to go off, her breathing went shallow.

"Why is that happening your meant to be helping her!" shouted Tony, Loki grabbed Mel's elbows and did the same again. No response. She was dying. Loki turned round to me,

"Did her skin touch Mason's in any other way?!" he shouted over the noise. My mind was hey wire. I couldn't think,

"She kissed him!" Thor remembered,

"I'm sorry for this Captain." was all Loki said before......before he lent down and .....KISSED HER! He held her wrists at the same time. I went to pull him off but Tony and Natasha stopped me,

"Look." was all Tony said, I looked at the heart monitor and saw it slowly rise. Then her skin started to turned pale again, her eyes snapped open. She tried to push Loki of as if she was in pain but he held on as her body was a glow of the blue pulse, just as her heart rate was going extremely fast. She pushed Loki so hard that he flew across the room and through the wall. She floated in air staring at him, panting heavily.

She was cured.

She fainted just then but before she hit the floor I caught her in my arms. She eyelids flickered opened slowly then looked straight up at me,

"Steve." she breathed, I kissed her passionately then. Like it would be the last thing I'd ever do. I love her. I truly love her.

"Melody." I breathed as we broke for air, we both looked over to the hole in the wall that Loki had went through. Thor was already helping him up,

"Thank you Loki." she said as he came over.

"Dear Melody I never meant that curse to be for you." Loki began,

"I know." he seemed confused,

"But how?" he asked,

"What you don't know Loki is that when the curse is being cured the cursed see the moment the object or someone had the curse placed upon them." explained Thor, we all looked at him.

"I too have been under this curse." he explained,

"Yes and sorry about going through the wall." she said embarrassed,

"No worry when I was curing Thor I was holding his wrists and he threw me through a window on the third floor of our home." we all laughed,

"Thank you Loki for saving her." I never thought I'd hear the day i'd say that,

"Your welcome now. I believe I must be taken back to Asguard. Till we meet again." with that Thor and Loki left. I hugged Melody tightly to my chest as everyone left. I placed her down on the bed as she fell asleep in my arms. For the first time in two years my life was peaceful.

A Shapshifting love ( Sequel to The Red Thistle)Where stories live. Discover now