Chapter Eighteen

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The flight back home was quiet and felt longer than it did before. Dad told me that he and his wife-to-be had gone to sleep over in the lodge of their wedding venue so I could drive over the next day for the last day wedding preparations.

Christian had bought me a beautiful dress while we were in Brazil and I was going to wear it to the wedding... oh that darned wedding. I was happy for dad, but I couldn’t be happy about who he chose to marry because that ruined my relationship.

I wanted so badly to turn down the invitation but I knew that would break his heart and no matter how angry I felt... I couldn’t hurt him that way.

The next morning I drove over to the lodge early because dad wanted to talk to me about something while they put up the finishing touches for the big day. I wondered how he was going to manage preparing for his wedding and telling me something important on the same day, but chose not to question.

Aunt and Mell were already there when I arrived as they were helping with the planning. I could see that every bit of this was breaking Aunt’s heart but she still took it on with a forced smile. Aunt really loved my dad, but it was too late for her to do anything about it now.

When I told her about my own situation because of this wedding, she sympathised greatly with me and we promised to be there for each other since we were both heartbroken. Dad finally appeared and then took me to the room where we were supposed to have the important talk. He told me that he wanted Emma’s son and I to meet.

Oh... he still didn’t know.

Before I could stop him, dad opened the door to the room and came face to face with none other than Christian. “Christian? What are you doing in there? Why are you even here? This is supposed to be an intimate wedding with only close friends and family—“

“He’s my son.”

Dad froze. He looked at Emma as if she had just said the most ridiculous thing ever. “What?” Dad looked at Christian and I for confirmation, and we both gave him a solemn nod.

“But... how? Why didn’t anyone tell me?” We all sat down in the room and then began explaining. Emma said she hadn’t known who I was until today, when Christian showed her a picture of me explaining that we had to break up for their marriage. She said that he got so upset just thinking about it and was about to leave when dad opened the door.

Dad looked pained. “You broke up for us... oh guys, I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry.” He moved in to hug me then went on to hug Christian who was very tense at this point. “We don’t know what to say... you’re honestly the most selfless people I’ve ever known. We’re so lucky to have you.” Emma moved to hug Christian but he just turned away and walked out of the room.

I stared after him, wanting to follow because I didn’t want to hear their words any longer. They were grateful but our hearts were broken... there was only so much we could take. I soon stood up and followed Christian.

I found him standing on the small bridge that went over the pond behind the lodge. “Hey,” I said as I went and stood next to him. “Hey.” He responded quietly. We stood and watched as the tadpoles darted about in the pond below, hiding themselves under the water lily leaves.

“I can’t believe we’re going to be siblings now.” I moaned exasperatedly. Christian laughed weakly and said “Well, at least we get to live in the same house.” I smiled sadly in response and replied “Yeah.”

“... Liss we have to try for them. I know it’ll hurt but they need this, probably more than we do.” A part of me wanted to protest but deep down, I knew he was right. “Fine... as long as they’re happy.”

“Attagirl,” he said with a chuckle, messing up my hair with his hand. “Christy!” I laughed as I smacked his hand away. “Nuh uh, no hitting your older brother.” I rolled my eyes at him playfully, “You’d make a terrible big brother.” I joked.

“You suck.” He said, feigning offense. We both broke out into laughter and for the first time in a while, I felt like things were going to be okay.

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