Chapter Seven

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Clio's P.O.V


I can't believe Christian just called me for that long to talk about Lisa and how I didn't tell him that I knew her. How was I supposed to tell him? We were not on taking terms, so telling him wouldn't have made a difference. He would have probably told me to tell her our secret, but how was I supposed to do that? And why was he even that close to Lisa in the first place? And appointment at six in the morning? C'mon Christian really? This boy really does love making scenes...well, I guess should sleep before I wake Lisa up.


Discussion between Clio and Lisa

Clio: Liss, I have to go out now. When aunt wakes up tell her that I will back in the afternoon.
Lisa: Already? What's the emergency?
Clio: It's nothing major, I just have an appointment with someone.
Lisa: I could take you there, I'm not doing anything important today.
Clio: No it's okay, I will be back before lunch time.
Lisa: alright...

Discussion ends


Did he have to make an appointment this early though, its 6 in the morning for crying out loud! He could have just called he seems to be good at that. We did stretch for 3 hours last night. My phone dinged, and a text message from Christian; "meet me at the golf course in 20 minutes sharp" comes through.

Discussion between Clio and Christian


Clio: What's the emergency Christian? You could have just called or texted. I had to leave Aunt's place without even saying bye directly.

Christian: You calling her aunt now?

Clio: Can you stop being a jerk, what's your problem? Is that why you called me out here?

Christian: She sort of hates me now, I saw Li...never mind.

Clio: You did what?!

Christian: It's nothing, I will tell you all about it.
Look, I'm sorry but I feel like we have to talk about this. Liss is our friend we can't keep her in the dark for this long...she has to know.

Clio: I was actually thinking the same thing, but I'm afraid that it might go two ways. Either she will accept it or our friendship could break-and I don't want that to happen again.

Christian: It's been 2 years now. Mell her cousin probably knows about this and I'm sure she will tell her before we do.

Clio: I know but...

Christian: Think about it, put yourself in her shoes.

Clio: This is not only about our secret is it?...You like, her don't you?

Christian: Of course I do, she's my best friend.

Clio: No Christy, you know what I mean.

Christian: I told you not call me that!

Clio: I also told you not to call when I'm with my friends or family members. You just had to call in Liss' presence. I'm sure she heard your voice when I accidentally put it on loud.

Christian: Am I supposed to predict or something? also didn't tell me you guys were friends, you should have told me. I was shocked to see you coming through when I was with her. That's why I took off afterwards.

Clio: What were you even doing that close to her, Christian? And how did you know that's where she was staying?

Christian: You told me and she'd mentioned your name and I was about to tell her, and that's when you came through. How was I supposed to tell her afterwards?

Clio: That could have been anyone and I don't know, through a text or something? Like that's a good idea.

Christian: Sneakers, really? Who gave you the idea and how did you know those were her favourite sneakers?

Clio:  You once mentioned you had a friend you would sneak on and read her diary. I  just knew It was her, you were talking about.

Christian: That could have been anyone.

Clio: Ugh...I'm going now, this was clearly pointless.

Discussion ends

I should probably head back to Aunt Rosa's place and talk to her and Lisa before I get back home. Sometimes I wonder about Chris and I... we do not even have any connection. We are just total opposites. I need to tell Liss, but I'm afraid we might drift apart again. I really don't want to relive that experience. I don't have a sister because mother had several miscarriages, so liss is the only sister and best friend I have.

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